BREAK ON (PL/SQL Oracle) Equivanlent in SQL Server

  • Hello,

    I am new to SQL Server I wanted to know what is the equivalent of BREAK ON in PL/SQL Oracle in SQL Server. Any link that can give me more information about the equivalents of PL/SQL in Sql Serve will be of great help.


    Shashi Singh

  • can you give us more information what does "break on" do ?

  • Hello Marcin,

    I have attached a document that explains my example.



  • there is no substition for break on ;/ but maybe you can use something like this ?

    declare @t as table (name varchar(50), dep varchar(10), num int)

    insert into @t values ('Marcin','IT',1),('John','IT',2),('Marcin','IT',3),('John','IT',4),('Marcin','IT',5),('Steve','IT',1),


    ;with cte as(


    dense_rank() over (order by name) as id1

    ,row_number() over (partition by name order by dep) as id2

    , name as intname,dep,SUM(num) as summary from @t

    group by name,dep


    select name = case id2

    when 1 then intname

    else ''

    end, dep, summary from cte

    order by intname,dep

  • This did help. Thank you ....

    I have come across a good question. I am attaching a word file describing the problem.

    I have tried solving the problem but I did not get the exact formatting as required.

  • declare @table as table (student varchar(50), course varchar(50), marks int)

    insert into @table values ('Sam', 'Maths',10),('Sam', 'Science',10),('Sam', 'English',30),

    ('John', 'Maths',60),('John', 'Science',70),('John', 'English',90)

    select student, Maths, Science, English


    (select marks, student, course from @table) t1




    for Course in

    (Maths, Science, English)

    ) as t2

    order by t2.student

  • It got me the output in the desired format ....

    Can you please explain me the concept of "pivot" and the logic behind this query ......

    I am just aware of the SELF JOIN



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