break down into hours, minutes and seconds

  • I have the following data in my table. The Act_Time is (bigint) and is not broken down into hours, minutes and seconds. I need to break down into time. example: 80024 would need to be 8:00:24 and 191209 would need to be 19:12:09











    This is what I've put together so far. Not getting very far.. Need some HELP! with my code.

    LEFT(Act_Time,2) + ':' +

    CAST(SUBSTRING(Act_Time,4,2) AS Int)

    END AS Time_Block

    SELECT *

    FROM tbl_Table

  • You'll need to use a CASE with LEN to determine what the places mean. Then the SUBSTRING to split out the items.

    The issue is that if you have


    is that 1:10:01 or 11:00:10 or 1:1:01?

    Once you figure out how the algorithm works, you can build a couple CASE statements to clean things up.

  • Assuming that your times are what you have shown, the following should work:

    Use tempdb;


    If object_id('tempdb..#test') Is Not Null

    Drop Table #test;


    Create Table #test (TimeValue bigint);


    Insert Into #test Values(000024);

    Insert Into #test Values(000124);

    Insert Into #test Values(001224);

    Insert Into #test Values(012024);

    Insert Into #test Values(180024);

    Insert Into #test Values(080024);

    Insert Into #test Values(080026);

    Insert Into #test Values(080048);

    Insert Into #test Values(080051);

    Insert Into #test Values(191209);

    Insert Into #test Values(191251);

    Insert Into #test Values(191258);

    Insert Into #test Values(181139);

    Insert Into #test Values(161550);


    Select *

    ,stuff(stuff(right('00000' + cast(TimeValue As varchar(6)), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':') As NewTimeValue

    From #test;

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • I'm not sure what you are representing when you say "stuff"("stuff"

    And what does the '00000' represent?

    Select *

    ,stuff(stuff(right('00000' + cast(TimeValue As varchar(6)), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':') As NewTimeValue

    From #test;

  • Okay, I have created this code to convert the bigint into time.


    FROM dbo.tbl_table

    I receive this error:

    Msg 291, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    CAST or CONVERT: invalid attributes specified for type 'bigint'

    I understand what I think it's saying... Since the length in my data is not always (6), I need to add CASE When (length) statments.... The only thing is, I don't know where to add this in my code. I have two lengths (see original data I sent). Can someone help me?

  • TAman (7/29/2009)

    I'm not sure what you are representing when you say "stuff"("stuff"

    And what does the '00000' represent?

    Select *

    ,stuff(stuff(right('00000' + cast(TimeValue As varchar(6)), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':') As NewTimeValue

    From #test;

    STUFF is a function to stuff characters into a string. We prepend 5 zeros to the string to make sure we will always have all 6 characters we need in the string. Then we stuff a colon into the appropriate spaces.

    In the sample data I provided, the first value inserted into the table is 00:00:24 (000024). When inserted into a bigint column, the leading zeros will be removed.

    If you take the code that I provided and ran it - you would see that it returns exactly what you are looking for.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • TAman (7/29/2009)

    I'm not sure what you are representing when you say "stuff"("stuff"

    And what does the '00000' represent?

    Select *

    ,stuff(stuff(right('00000' + cast(TimeValue As varchar(6)), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':') As NewTimeValue

    From #test;

    What the "00000" is doing is to make your string longer than necessary. You then take the right 6 values, making a "short" time (i.e. 80019) be the proper length (i.e. 080019).

    The stuff function is fully documented in BOL at Basically, it is "stuffing" the colons into the time string. Each "stuff" call is putting one colon in; thus it takes two calls to get the time correct.

    Okay, I have created this code to convert the bigint into time.


    FROM dbo.tbl_table

    I receive this error:

    Msg 291, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    CAST or CONVERT: invalid attributes specified for type 'bigint'

    The bigint datatype does not support a size declaration; thus the "(6)" is invalid. This is what the error message is saying.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • Okay, I understand how your code is working now. But your sample data is not like my sample data. My data doesn't always have 6 characters. It is sometimes 5 characters and 6 characters.

  • TAman (7/29/2009)

    Okay, I understand how your code is working now. But your sample data is not like my sample data. My data doesn't always have 6 characters. It is sometimes 5 characters and 6 characters.

    I know your data does not always have 6 characters - neither does mine if you look at what is actually in the table. I inserted the data that way to show what happens for times with leading zeros when stored using bigint.

    You will have times in your data with only a single digit - for times that are 00:00:00 through 00:00:09. Those times will be stored in the table as 0 through 9.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • OK Thanks! I understand exactly. This should work great! Thx so much!!!

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