Mixing RTL and LTR (Reading Order) text in column

  • Hi,

    We have run into a unique issue and we are having trouble finding any documentation on how to handle it.

    Here is the scenario:

    We have a report that is being distributed to many people all over the world and we need to have the it translated into 40 different languages.

    The translations were all done by a company and we have the text in a word file for each language.

    We have copied the text into a table and based on the language of the person we are generating the report using the translated text from the database.


    The text includes a mix of some English text (medical terms) and translated text. The mix of the RTL and LTR languages (Arabic, Hebrew, English) display correctly in the word document but when they are copied into the SQL editor or directly into the table column, the reading order is flipped.

    SQL Server is ok if the text is all Hebrew or all english. It displays everything correct when copied from the word file.



    “Can we improve the health of patients by giving them Aspirin?”


    (I tried copying the Hebrew text but I was inverting the sentence but imagine a correct Hebrew RTL translation of the text above.)

    The problem is when an English word is mixed in with the text:



    “Can we improve the health of patients by giving them Aspirin?”


    “[Hebrew translated text] Aspirin?”

    This is displayed as:

    Aspirin [Hebrew translated text]?

    Hopefully I explained the issue enough. It is a little confusing so if I need clarify more, please let me know.

    Any help or experience is appreciated?


  • i also have a similar problem

    i have a sentce that includ hebrew and english a few times

    did you found a good way to dipslay the data?



  • Not sure about SSRS 2005 but in SSRS 2012 - the Direction property can be an expression. In SSRS 2012, I would include information about the direction of the text within the dataset and use that in an expression for the Direction property of the text box to control whether it is displayed LTR or RTL

    e.g. =IIF (Fields!Language.Value="Hebrew", "RTL", IIF (Fields!Language.Value="Arabic", "RTL", "LTR"))

    Or maybe in your dataset you include a direction column that contains the value "LTR" or "RTL" and the expression becomes


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