Logshipping not creating tables on Standby Database

  • Good Day,

    We implemented Log shipping between 2 of our SQL Server 2005 servers . Afew day later tables were created on the Live database .The restore jobs were successful. We checked the Errorlogs of SQL Server and the report files of Log Shipping . They confirmed that the Logshiping was cmaking successful Log backups, copying the files successfully to the standby server and the restores were done successfully on the standby server However when we tested failover on the staandby server , the tables were not created . Do we have to do a full backup and then reactivate Log shipping after a table was created ? Is the Transaction log not supposed to be a record of all the transactions executed on the database ? Before I foreget, the database was set to Full Recovery Mode . We compared the report files of both servers and the Logdump files were identical and no file was left out .

    Please assist with this tricky scenario.



  • Is the Created/modified date of the TUF file same as or close to your last LOG file? ( the TUF file should be in your logcopy folder by default)

    If not, very likely the Restore Job just ran its steps but didn't do any restore. In that case, you would need to manually restore the Logs starting from the earliest missing one.

    To see what the last restored is, you can run

    SELECT last_loaded_filename, last_loaded_last_updated

    FROM msdb.dbo.log_shipping_secondaries

  • Good Day,

    thank you for your quick response . I ran the script and there were no filenames . Does this mean that no logfiles were restored ? But we checked the Lofile report and it stated that the log was applied .

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