Import *.Dat file in SQL database

  • Dear all,

    Please help me,I have a Log.Dat file which is from ArcView software. Inside the Log.Dat file like XML code:

    How can I import the fields "Time", "type", "code", "target" ... etc in to SQL database?

    Please help.

  • Here is sample for Books online that uses XQuery methods

    DECLARE @x xml

    -- Replace "!" with " ", as the code formatting eats up the XML

    SET @x='!Root>

    !row id="1">!name>Larry!/name>!oflw>some text!/oflw>!/row>

    !row id="2">!name>moe!/name>!/row>

    !row id="3" /!


    SELECT T.c.query('.') AS result

    FROM @x.nodes('/Root/row') T(c)

    SELECT T.c.value('name[1]', 'VARCHAR(100)' ) AS result,

    T.c.value('oflw[1]', 'VARCHAR(100)' ) AS result

    FROM @x.nodes('/Root/row') T(c)


    Replaced the existing XML to non XML


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