Hashbytes function returning unexpected results

  • I have a script that updates a user table and sets the passwords to a hash value using the Hashbytes function:

    update secUser

    set [password] = HashBytes('MD5', 'PW4' + [UserName]),

    HasChangedPassword = 0


    This is producing unexpected results in that if I run the Hashbyte function for a specific user value, such as:

    select HashBytes('MD5', 'PW4avenue')

    I get a result of '0x8847665608F36E2534A655D3EB57BC0F', but the table updated from the above statement has '0x1E0F528E3CD45F3D9BEFBFFAB073FE41' in it.

    I can't figure out where this value is coming from.

    Running this query:

    select HashBytes('MD5', 'PW4' + [UserName]) as [password],

    'PW4' + [UserName] as test from secUser

    where [UserName] = 'avenue'

    returns these results:


    Any ideas what is going on here?

  • Hi there,

    I'm not sure how Hasbytes works but I went on a hunch and here is my code


    (UserName1 VARCHAR(100),

    UserName2 NVARCHAR(100))

    INSERT INTO @tbl

    SELECT 'avenue','avenue'


    select HashBytes('MD5', 'PW4' + 'avenue') as [password],

    'PW4' + 'avenue' as test

    select HashBytes('MD5', 'PW4' + UserName1) as [password],

    'PW4' + UserName1 as test

    FROM @tbl


    select HashBytes('MD5', 'PW4' + N'avenue') as [password],

    'PW4' + N'avenue' as test

    select HashBytes('MD5', 'PW4' + UserName2) as [password],

    'PW4' + UserName2 as test

    FROM @tbl

    It seems that your table is storing the user name as a NVarchar

    however when you run it normally you using a varchar, so the results are different

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  • Thanks for the assistance. I changed my update statement to the following:

    update secUser

    set [password] = HashBytes('MD5', 'PW4' + cast([UserName] as varchar(100))),

    HasChangedPassword = 0


    This gives me the original values I'm expecting since the code that checks the values is using a varchar.

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