Error 5069 on shrink database

  • I recieved the following error on a when attempting to shrink a database after removing a column of datatype Image:

    Location: tmpilb.cpp:2565

    Expression: fFalse

    SPID: 111

    Process ID: 4216

    Description: Attempt to access expired blob handle (3)

    Msg 5069, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    ALTER DATABASE statement failed.

    The system I was running this on is MS Server 2008, SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 64 bit.

    The code worked fine in a test env (and on another database where we did not drop the column with type Image). The script is

    DECLARE @DataFileFreeSpaceGB INT

    DECLARE @LogFileFreeSpaceGB INT

    SELECT @DataFileFreeSpaceGB = 10

    SELECT @LogFileFreeSpaceGB = 1

    DECLARE @DBName VARCHAR(100) --Database Name

    DECLARE @filenameD VARCHAR(500) -- DataFile

    DECLARE @filenameL VARCHAR(500) -- Logfile

    DECLARE @DSpaceUsed DECIMAL(10) --Spaceused in Meg

    DECLARE @LSpaceUsed DECIMAL(10) --Spaceused in Meng

    DECLARE @sStr VARCHAR(200) -- A string SQL statement to EXECute

    SELECT @DBName = DB_NAME()

    SET @sStr = 'ALTER DATABASE ' + @DBName + ' SET RECOVERY Simple'

    EXEC (@sStr)


    SELECT @fileNameD = name From sys.database_files Where type = 0

    SELECT @DSpaceUsed = (FILEPROPERTY (@filenameD,'SpaceUsed ') * 8192.0)/1024/1024

    SET @DSpaceUsed = @DSpaceUsed + (@DataFileFreeSpaceGB * 1000)

    SET @sStr = 'DBCC ShrinkFile (' + @fileNameD + ',' + Convert(VARCHAR(50),@DSpaceUsed) + ')'

    EXEC (@sStr)


    SELECT @fileNameL = name From sys.database_files Where type = 1

    SELECT @LSpaceUsed = (FILEPROPERTY (@filenameL,'SpaceUsed ') * 8192.0)/1024/1024

    SET @LSpaceUsed = @LSpaceUsed + (@LogFileFreeSpaceGB * 1000)

    SET @sStr = 'DBCC ShrinkFile (' + @fileNameL + ',' + Convert(VARCHAR(50),@LSpaceUsed) + ')'

    EXEC (@sStr)


    EXEC (@sStr)

    I have run a DBCC CheckDB after the error and came back with no errors listed for the database this failed on.

  • Hi Gary,

    You may want to try these items.

    1. Run DBCC FREEPROCCACHE and DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS to clean out the cached query plans.

    2. Run a checkpoint command, or backup the database.

    3. Run the shrinkfile command in single user mode.

    Hope this helps.


    Regards, Jim C

  • DBCC CLEANTABLE is your friend. Run it first then Apply your script.

    * Noel

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