comparing physcial file name of the database

  • hi,

    Iam using below query to compare the physical location specified,but it is not showing the correct result and as the sys.files it is in diffrent

    Is there any other method to compare

    as per the structure all my data folders to be in E:drive

    asnd log will be in f drive

    i want to know which db is not following the correct structure



    insert #file_check

    select '''+@database_name+''',

    (select filename from sys.sysfiles where fileid =1 and filename not like ''H:\MSSQL\'+@database_name+'\DATA\'+@database_name+'_Data.mdf''),

    (select filename from sys.sysfiles where fileid =2 and filename not like ''I:\MSSQL\'+@database_name+'\LOG\'+@database_name+'_Log.ldf'')

    from sys.sysfiles;')

    Is there any other method to find out,this is working for some databases

    some databases it is not

    it is checking Sys.files table and the entire string is matching only it displays the correct result.

    Is sys.master files can be used for this

    Or please let me know the best method to find out the wrong structure.

  • This may help you

    declare @files table(dbname varchar(100), filename varchar(1000))

    insert into @files

    exec sp_msforeachdb 'select ''?'', filename from ?..sysfiles'

    select dbname,min(left(filename,1)),max(left(filename,1)) from @files

    group by dbname

    having min(left(filename,1))<>'E' or max(left(filename,1))<>'F'

    Note that sp_msforeachdb is undocumented which you can simulate using


    Failing to plan is Planning to fail

  • to get a list of database and filenames use

    select name, fileid, filename from sys.sysaltfiles


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • hi,

    i need to display which database is not following the correct path,

    as per the code i have written it should be that location,what iw ant is it should display if it is not matching

  • hi,

    thanks,my code is getting me the result in coupel of instances,onely few instances ,sys.files filename location is stored as case sensitive,that is why it is giving error messge,

    is there any method to modify my code and get the result,i need to check all db,if it is not macthcing with the format specified,

    i should get the result of databases which is not correct as per the folder structure..

  • Try this:

    DECLARE @database_name SYSNAME

    DECLARE @iRowCount INT

    DECLARE @t_TableNames_Temp TABLE

    (table_name SYSNAME)

    drop table #file_check

    create table #file_check(DBName sysname,MDFFile sysname,LDFFile sysname)

    INSERT @t_TableNames_Temp

    SELECT name


    WHERE name not in ('pubs','northwind','tempdb')

    ORDER BY name

    --Getting row count from table

    SELECT @iRowCount = COUNT(*) FROM @t_TableNames_Temp

    WHILE @iRowCount > 0


    SELECT @database_name = table_name from @t_TableNames_Temp


    insert #file_check

    select '''+@database_name+''',

    (select rtrim(filename) from sysfiles where fileid =1 and filename not like ''H:\MSSQL\'+@database_name+'\DATA\'+@database_name+'_Data.mdf''),

    (select rtrim(filename) from sysfiles where fileid =2 and filename not like ''I:\MSSQL\'+@database_name+'\LOG\'+@database_name+'_Log.ldf'')

    from sysfiles;')

    DELETE FROM @t_TableNames_Temp WHERE @database_name = table_name

    SELECT @iRowCount = @iRowCount - 1


    Select * from #file_check




  • If this copied correctly

    (select filename from sys.sysfiles where fileid =1 and filename not like ''H:\MSSQL\'+@database_name+'\DATA\'+@database_name+'_Data.mdf''),

    You have a EXTRA ' between like and and the drive letter H and after the _Data.mdf Modifiying your code to eliminate those additional characters

    (select filename from sys.sysfiles where fileid =1

    and filename not like ('H:\MSSQL\'+@database_name+'\DATA\'+@database_name+'_Data.mdf'))

    does indeed generate a return.

    sys.files filename location is stored as case sensitive,

    I have tested the following 2 select statements and they show that the filename entry in sys.sysfiles is NOT case sensitive.

    SELECT fileid, name

    FROM sys.sysfiles

    WHERE filename NOT LIKE ('C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\TIPSnTRICKS_Data.MDF')

    SELECT fileid, name

    FROM sys.sysfiles

    WHERE filename NOT LIKE ('c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\tipsntricks_data.mdf')

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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