Rebuild Catalog

  • When you rebuild a full text catalog, it asks: Do you want to delete the full text catalog and rebuild it?

    What exactly does this do with my data?

    The message gives the impression that the data will be erased or does it flush out everything and essentially clean up the catalog.


  • I believe rebuild DELETEs the catalog first too, then create it from scratch

    just like REBUILD INDEX

    Optimize (like Reorganize Index) doesn't

    Books Online (hit Help on the full-text screen)

    Catalog Action


    Does not perform Optimize catalog, Rebuild catalog, or Repopulate catalog operations.

    Optimize catalog

    Optimizes the space utilization of the catalog and improves query performance. It also improves the accuracy of relevance ranking of search results.

    This action executes ALTER FULLTEXT CATALOG catalog_name REORGANIZE.

    Rebuild catalog

    Deletes and rebuilds the full-text catalog. This operation must be performed if a fundamental catalog property is changed, such as accent sensitivity.

    For the rebuild to succeed, the filegroup the full-text catalog resides in must be online or read-writeable. After the rebuild, the full-text index will be repopulated.

    This action executes ALTER FULLTEXT CATALOG catalog_name REBUILD.

    Repopulate catalog

    Updates the catalog with recent changes to the data. This option does require catalog downtime.

    SQLServerNewbieMCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005

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