IIS7/2008 to my SQL Server 2000 machine: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server

  • I am setting up a windows 2008 IIS7 web server, and trying to connect to a windows 2000 sql server 2000 database. I have an IIS6 Windows 2000 web server activately connected just fine.

    I have anonymous and windows authentication enabled. And in my web.config I have identity impersonate="true"

    My sql server 2000 typically uses the IISUSER anonymous user set up in IIS6 on my original windows 2000 web server. But this new IIS7 is giving me grief. I can't seem to setup the IUSR or IISUSER or anything in it. I can't even use sql server credentials in my connection string althought my SQL Server supports both. I get: Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

    On my windows 2008 box, I can setup an ODBC connection in the control panel and test it just fine, so I know I'm getting to the database server and test fine. It's just in IIS7 that it won't give me a break.

    Can you please help with any advice?


  • Hi, did u found a solution for this problem.

    Im running against the same problem...

    I'm trying to migrate a Virtual directory from an old Windows 2000 server to a new W2008 box.

    I downloaded SQLXML3 and successfully installed it on the 2008 box.

    Configuration is exactly the same than on the old server.

    I allowed IIS7 to run in 32 bit mode.

    Now, when I try to open the url ( @@version).

    Im getting a 500.0 error

    Module IsapiModule

    Notification ExecuteRequestHandler

    Handler AboMapperCustom-68254

    Error Code 0x800700c1

    any chance to find a solution for that ?


  • Hi,

    Parts of the original post was wrong because Windows 2000 comes with IIS 5 not IIS 6 and if you are using IIS 7 with SQL Server 2000 may need to use it in IIS 6 mode. And IIS 7 if run in IIS 7 mode does not require IIS to be in x86 that is 32bit mode because you can run both x86 and x64 applications in one IIS 7. And the reason for the problem is Asp.net is using the limited permissions Network service account so you need to Add Asp.net at the server level and in the database or your application will not run. You are having double hop issues so go to your C drive and run aspnet_regiis in you .NET folder in your C drive and use the link below to configure IIS 7 in IIS 6 mode.



    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • You may want to check out this article, http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Security/65169/. Here is another older article that may still apply as well, http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Installation/cannotgeneratesspicontext/929/

  • Those configurations don't work in Asp.net in some cases because SQL Server and Windows are just made by Microsoft security in both are very different.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • OK, thanks for the information,

    but I want to make sure I understand:

    1) I have to use IIS7 in IIS6 mode.

    I checked the Roles installed on my 2008 server and IIS6 management console,metabase compatibility,management compatibility are installed.

    When I start this mmc I can only see the server name, but no web site is displayed.

    2) on both servers (2008 = IIS 2000 = SQL+IIS5) .net v2.0.50727 is installed.

    Should I run aspnet_regiis -i on both machines?

    thanks again


  • Running aspnet_regiis is required for any development using Asp.net 2.0 and above IIS version is not relevant. So yes run the aspnet_regiis and you also need to add the Asp.net account in the server running SQL Server on the server level and database level.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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