MemberNamesUnique Attribute Property in SSAS 2005

  • I have been searching for the meaning of the MemberNamesUnique SSAS Dimension Attribute Property (not Hierarchy Property). I am confused as to whether this property is in relation to the attribute key or the dimension key (that is, should I look at how the NameColumn varies with the attribute key or the dimension key?). For instance, if I had an attribute in the Date Dimension titled "Month Name" with the KeyColumns property set to the MonthNumber column only and the MonthName column set to the NameColumn property, should the MemberNamesUnique property for the attribute "Month Name" be set to True (please refer to table below)?

    Date Dimension

    Date Dimension Key MonthNumber MonthName

    ---------------------------- ----------------- ----------------

    20080101 1 January

    20080102 1 January

    20080201 2 February

    20080202 2 February

    I am most confused with this and appreciate any advice anyone would give:).

  • I see you posted this a long time ago. I've only run across it while researching an issue I am having. I assume that you are using 1 and January and 2 and February for each year in the data warehouse. In that case you cannot choose member names unique. For that feature to work properly, you would have to have values as follows (assuming the 2008 is the first year in your datawarehouse) 1, Jan(uary) (20)08; 2, Feb(ruary) (20)08; ... 13, Jan(uary) (20)09; 14, Feb(ruary) (20)09. Using these unique names for all your levels will allow you to create an efficient hierarchy.

    Note, however, there is some value to having another set of fields where January is always 1, February is always 2, etc and the months don't have the year, as that allows for comparisons for events in January, regardless of the year.

    Hope this helps.

  • I see this is an old thread, but I also have something to add for future finders on this topic. In addition to having an individual key for the months as well as a unique name, you could have a composite key identifying the month and year and use only the month name. In this case the names would certainly be non-unique as Month 1 Year 1 would have the same name as Month 1 Year 2.

    Also agree with the comment about you may still want a different attribute where January is Month 1 so that Januarys can be compared more easily. I would think in this case the member name would be unique because there would only be 12 members.

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