SQLOLEDB ADO connection and 3706 error

  • Searched for several hours a solution in forums and Google, and no way to find it.

    I get error 3706: Provider cannot be found.

    I have a Windows 2000 SP4 PC, and a Windows 2000 Server that users accesses via Terminal Server, both with the same problem. In XP machines the same program runs correctly. In the Windows 2000 Server there is running an SQL Server 2000.

    I have done the following without success:

    * Install mdac27sp1.

    * Install SQL Native Client (only installed, but not tested).

    * Registered msdasql.dll and sqloledb.dll, both dll register successfully.

    Here is the code that I am using for the connection, when trying to connect, it gives me the 3706 error:

    Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Initial Catalog=dtstore;Data Source=SERVERDT;UID=sa;PWD=pwdxx8;

    I made a VB6 test program to test connection strings, and if I run the program and use the above connection string, allways gives me the 3706 error.

    Surprisingly enough, if I run the program, and first use the following connection string:

    Provider=MSDASQL;Driver={SQL Server};Database=ArchiMED;Server=SERVERDT;UID=sa;PWD=pwdxx8;

    After retrieving a recordset using that connection string, if I use the SQLOLEDB connection works until I close the program.

    I am thinking about some of the implied SQLOLEDB libraries not loaded or not registered correctly, could somebody point me on what to do ?

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