Export database into Excel

  • Hi guys...

    A big favor, I need to export my database into excel format, I have been trying using SQL Management Studio but it failed....please any other tool I could use to perform this task?, or some query...please?... I need to get that shortly...

    Thank you.

    OS windows 2003

    SQL Server 2005 EE

  • You can export the Tables/Views data from database to excel file.

    For this you have to rightclick database and select export data.It will ask you the source and destination..after that you can select whatever(Tables/Views) you want..

    Hope this would help...

  • How big is the database? There's always cut'n'paste 😀 from the results window. Or saving to a text file and importing the results 😉

    I've found the Export Data Wizard to work ok in the past, it even lists Excel (with an ancient Excel icon) as one of the export options.

  • I tried that wizrd export table/views...select the ones I need, in this case the whole database...but when I start with the exporting...it failed with : " Failed with the following error :"The microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'asass'. Make sure the object existes and taht you spell its name and path name correctly. posible failure reasons : Problems with the query, 'Resultset' property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly or connection not establish'

    I test the connection..and it passed

    I don't kknow what else could be...

    database size 1GB

    Please help..

    Thank you.

  • You can use SSIS to do this.

    though if your databsae is large then you are going to run into trouble exporting to excel 2003 as excel 2003 and earlier versions only have 65,536 rows.

  • If so, please would you mind recommending me another tool, or another way to do it, please?..I really need to export this..and I am getting crazy.


  • You do not need another tool - follow advice above its all there in SSMS.

  • Junior_DBA (10/1/2008)

    If so, please would you mind recommending me another tool, or another way to do it, please?..I really need to export this..and I am getting crazy.


    export the DB to a CSV file using SSIS then you can use these files to populate excel if needed.

    SSIS even has a wizard to get you started, though it is very similar to the one in SSMS

  • In Excel 2007 you can link directly to the SQL also.

    Click on Data Connections.

    Click on properties and set up your defintion.....

    Viola no export - direct access ....to SQL.

  • Hi Guys...I followed your advise, and I just get the .dtsx file, but now how can I do to export to excel?

    Please any help???

    Thank you.

  • Please guys, any little "push" on this....I am getting crazy how to do it..

    Thank you.

  • As I can see from your info that your DB is 1 GB maybe some table has over 65 000 records in one sheet and the Excel 2003 doesn't support to export more data ...one option is to install the MS Office 2007 then export data in MS Access instead of Excel... I see also that the SQL 2005 doesn't support the exporting to Excel 2007 couz the Excel 2007 has over 1 million records per sheet and no problem. After you exported the data to the Access ...you have the class library that you can export from Access to Excel 2007!

    Have nice exporting ...! :hehe:



  • Thank you.. I am going to proceed installing Excel 2007 and test it the way you said...

    I hope it works...thanks.

  • Junior_DBA (10/2/2008)

    Thank you.. I am going to proceed installing Excel 2007 and test it the way you said...

    I hope it works...thanks.

    Sure it works in this way I'm exporting the data over 100 000 records couz you know that the Excel 2003 doesn't support over 65000 records so I put the data in MS Access then export them to Excel 2007 you can do it with little VBA code in MS Access opening the query ( Select * from Table) then using the export library for excel12 ....!

    that's all!

    Have nice exporting!



  • Instead of exporting, you can try using Excel and an ODBC connection to your import SQL server database.

    The menu names may change a bit depending on what version of Office you are using, but clicking

    Data > Get External Data > New Database Query while in Excel should allow you to import the tables.

    Excel has a limit of 65535 rows per worksheet, so if your tables are larger than that, you might have to write queries to break up the data.

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