convert date object into integer

  • Hi,

    I need to convert a date object into its integer representation in SQL server 2005.

    Can anybody throw some light on this ASAP ?



  • Hello,

    Try: Convert(Char(8), GetDate(), 112)

    Is that is the output that you need?


    John Marsh
    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • or is it what you are looking for?

    select cast(getdate() as int)




    select cast(39717 as datetime)


    2008-09-28 00:00:00.000



  • Guys,Thanks for the replies.

    What i need is an integer representation of a date say 1/9/2008 converted into seconds to be inserted into the database.

    The output of a date value (1/9/2008) being inserted into the DB should be somewhat like 1220......

    Awaiting your reply.

  • Could you explain what exactly you are trying to achieve? Probably you may not need to do what you are trying to do now.

    SQL Server stores a DATETIME value internally as two 4 byte integers. The first integer stores the number of days since 1900-01-01 and the second integer stores the number of milliseconds since midnight.

    So, you may not need to do an additional conversion by yourself.What are you trying to achieve?


  • Sorry for the confusion.

    I need to compare a date value that is stored in the DB via Java like this

    --> "" + (cal.getTime().getTime()/1000)

    So for comparing at run time i need to convert my date object (1/9/2008) as a millisecond value so that i can compare it with the DB value.

    Are you able to understand my problem now ?

  • So what is the exact output you are expecting from this date value?


  • I need the output as 1215714600 which is an int value of the date converted into milliseconds

  • What is the formula you used to get this number?


  • For such value, u need a Cut OFF date, from onwards, you can calculate the miiseconds till the required date, for example,

    FirstDate = getdate() - 1

    Seconddate = getdate()

    Now, you can calculate teh milliseconds based on the difference of two dates as,

    lets say, if the difference is 1, then 24 hours = 24*60 Minutes = 24*60*60 seconds = 24*60*60*1000 milliseconds

    Atif Sheikh

    Sometimes, winning is not an issue but trying.
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  • I continue without understand what you need exactly.

    Anyway, to obtain the number of miliseconds from a datetime value, you can use something like this:

    declare @Date DATETIME

    SET @Date = convert(datetime, '2009-09-01 09:30:15.927')

    SELECT convert(BIGINT, @Date)* 86400000

    SELECT DATEPART(hh, @Date) * 3600000

    SELECT DATEPART(mi, @Date) * 60000

    SELECT DATEPART(ss, @Date) * 1000

    SELECT DATEPART(ms, @Date)

    SELECT (convert(BIGINT, @Date)* 86400000 ) + (DATEPART(hh, @Date) * 3600000) + (DATEPART(mi, @Date) * 60000) + (DATEPART(ss, @Date) * 1000) + DATEPART(ms, @Date)

    And, the final result is:

    Datetime: 2009-09-01 09:30:15.925

    Number of milisenconds: 3460786215927

    I hope this can help you.

  • If it is a matter of finding the difference between two dates (in milliseconds) you can even run the following query.


    SELECT @d1 = '1/9/2008 11:30:24.123', @d2 = '1/10/2008'

    SELECT DATEDIFF(millisecond, @d1, @d2) AS Diff






    Or you can extract specific information from the date value using the following query and apply your required calculations.


    SELECT @d1 = '1/9/2008 11:30:24.123'


    DATEPART(year, @d1) AS Years,

    DATEPART(month, @d1) AS Months,

    DATEPART(day, @d1) AS Days,

    DATEPART(hour, @d1) AS Hours,

    DATEPART(minute, @d1) AS Minutes,

    DATEPART(second, @d1) AS Seconds,

    DATEPART(Millisecond, @d1) AS Milliseconds


    Years Months Days Hours Minutes Seconds Milliseconds

    ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------

    2008 1 9 11 30 24 123



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