accessing named instances

  • accessing named instances



    I installed two named insances of SQL Server 2005 on Win 2003 server.

    I hv written small appl which list out all the insances of SQL Server available on network .

    but it is not working , it is displaying only names of SQL Server.


    Dim dtSQLServers As DataTable

    dtSQLServers = SmoApplication.EnumAvailableSqlServers()

    Dim strServer As String

    For Each dr As DataRow In dtSQLServers.Rows

    strServer = CStr(dr("Server"))

    'strServer = dr("Server") & "\" & CStr(dr("Instance"))

    If Not TypeOf dr("Instance") Is DBNull AndAlso CStr(dr("Instance")).Length > 0 Then

    strServer += "\" & CStr(dr("Instance"))

    End If




    is there any other method for this.

    Firewall is off on server.


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