Monitor database growth

  • Is there a way to easily locate the .mdf, .ldf and .bak file sizes for every database on an instance of SQL Server 2005? I am sure this information is stored in the system DBs but not sure how to retrieve it.

  • Monitor Database Growth

    This code provides a way of monitoring the growth of all your databases within a single instance. The first part is the creation of a monitoring table with the initial load of current databases and sizes. The second part is the SQL that can be put in a scheduled job to automate the growth monitoring.

    It is recommended that this job is run weekly or monthly, depending on how fast your databases grow. Also, the code was written for SQL 2005 but can easily be altered for SQL 2000 by changing sys.Master_Files to sysaltfiles and sys.databases to sysdatabases. Make sure to change your column names appropriately if you make this alteration!

    --PART 1

    If exists (Select name from sys.objects where name = 'DBGrowthRate' and Type = 'U')

    Drop Table dbo.DBGrowthRate

    Create Table dbo.DBGrowthRate (DBGrowthID int identity(1,1), DBName varchar(100), DBID int,

    NumPages int, OrigSize decimal(10,2), CurSize decimal(10,2), GrowthAmt varchar(100),

    MetricDate datetime)

    Select as DBName, as FileName, mf.database_id, file_id, size

    into #TempDBSize

    from sys.databases sd

    join sys.master_files mf

    on sd.database_ID = mf.database_ID

    Order by mf.database_id,

    Insert into dbo.DBGrowthRate (DBName, DBID, NumPages, OrigSize, CurSize, GrowthAmt, MetricDate)

    (Select tds.DBName, tds.database_ID, Sum(tds.Size) as NumPages,

    Convert(decimal(10,2),(((Sum(Convert(decimal(10,2),tds.Size)) * 8000)/1024)/1024)) as OrigSize,

    Convert(decimal(10,2),(((Sum(Convert(decimal(10,2),tds.Size)) * 8000)/1024)/1024)) as CurSize,

    '0.00 MB' as GrowthAmt, GetDate() as MetricDate

    from #TempDBSize tds

    where tds.database_ID not in (Select Distinct DBID from DBGrowthRate

    where DBName = tds.database_ID)

    Group by tds.database_ID, tds.DBName)

    Drop table #TempDBSize

    Select *

    from DBGrowthRate

    --Above creates initial table and checks initial data

    --PART 2

    --Below is the code run weekly to check the growth.

    Select as DBName, as FileName, mf.database_id, file_id, size

    into #TempDBSize2

    from sys.databases sd

    join sys.master_files mf

    on sd.database_ID = mf.database_ID

    Order by mf.database_id,

    If Exists (Select Distinct DBName from #TempDBSize2

    where DBName in (Select Distinct DBName from DBGrowthRate))

    and Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101) > (Select Distinct Convert(varchar(10),Max(MetricDate),101) as MetricDate

    from DBGrowthRate)


    Insert into dbo.DBGrowthRate (DBName, DBID, NumPages, OrigSize, CurSize, GrowthAmt, MetricDate)

    (Select tds.DBName, tds.database_ID, Sum(tds.Size) as NumPages,

    dgr.CurSize as OrigSize,

    Convert(decimal(10,2),(((Sum(Convert(decimal(10,2),tds.Size)) * 8000)/1024)/1024)) as CurSize,

    Convert(varchar(100),(Convert(decimal(10,2),(((Sum(Convert(decimal(10,2),tds.Size)) * 8000)/1024)/1024))

    - dgr.CurSize)) + ' MB' as GrowthAmt, GetDate() as MetricDate

    from #TempDBSize2 tds

    join DBGrowthRate dgr

    on tds.database_ID = dgr.DBID

    Where DBGrowthID = (Select Distinct Max(DBGrowthID) from DBGrowthRate

    where DBID = dgr.DBID)

    Group by tds.database_ID, tds.DBName, dgr.CurSize)



    IF Not Exists (Select Distinct DBName from #TempDBSize2

    where DBName in (Select Distinct DBName from DBGrowthRate))


    Insert into dbo.DBGrowthRate (DBName, DBID, NumPages, OrigSize, CurSize, GrowthAmt, MetricDate)

    (Select tds.DBName, tds.database_ID, Sum(tds.Size) as NumPages,

    Convert(decimal(10,2),(((Sum(Convert(decimal(10,2),tds.Size)) * 8000)/1024)/1024)) as OrigSize,

    Convert(decimal(10,2),(((Sum(Convert(decimal(10,2),tds.Size)) * 8000)/1024)/1024)) as CurSize,

    '0.00 MB' as GrowthAmt, GetDate() as MetricDate

    from #TempDBSize2 tds

    where tds.database_ID not in (Select Distinct DBID from DBGrowthRate

    where DBName = tds.database_ID)

    Group by tds.database_ID, tds.DBName)


    --Select *

    --from DBGrowthRate

    ----Verifies values were entered

    Drop table #TempDBSize2

  • Thank you, that is a solution for DB size and to track growth. i will be using this for overall DB monitoring.

    I am also interested in managing hard drive resources and would like to track the actual file sizes for .mdf, .ldf and .bak files. Do you have a suggestion on where these file details are kept in the system databases?

  • This query will return ALL databases and their respective file location

    use master

    select name, filename, dbid, convert(char(12),crdate)

    from dbo.sysdatabases

    where sid <> 0x01

    order by name

  • For .mdf, .ndf and .ldf files there's the sys.master_files catalog view; the size column is in 8KB pages.

    For .bak there's the msdb..backupfile backup history table. That would show where the .bak files were written to but you'd still have to do something to verify the files were still there.

  • I was able to pull the .mdf, .ldf and .bak information out of the tables specified. Thanks to all for the quick answers. I should be able to watch database growth and file size changes by server on a periodic basis very quickly now.

    Thanks again 🙂

  • Alif,

    I just wanted to say thanks, this code is great!

  • Hi Friends,

    The above codes are awesome and really helped me out in maintaining the DB growth.

    If you want the individual file growth than the below mentioned can be helped you out.

    This stored Procedure helps you to calculate the specific size of the .mdf,.ndf,.ldf files

    on running this SP on daily,weekly,monthly basis you can easily track the database growth.

    The disadvantage is that you have to maintain the data on regular basis for tracking the database

    files growth.but still its a wonderfull code which helps you a lot.

    create proc sp_filesize


    set nocount on

    -- Database Size

    print '*** Database Size ***'

    create table #db_size (dbno int identity,

    dbdate datetime,

    dbname nvarchar(50),

    datasize float,

    logsize float(53),

    indexsize float(53),

    actual float)

    declare @datasize float

    declare @logsize float

    declare @indexsize float

    declare @usedspace float

    declare @dbsize float

    declare @datacmd nvarchar (100)

    declare @logcmd nvarchar (100)

    declare @indexcmd nvarchar (100)

    declare @usedspacecmd nvarchar (1000)

    declare @dbsizecmd nvarchar (1000)

    declare @actual nvarchar (100)

    declare @dbname char (25)

    declare c1 cursor for select name from master..sysdatabases

    open c1

    fetch c1 into @dbname

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    set @datacmd='select @datasize=size from ['+@dbname+'].dbo.sysfiles where fileid=1'

    exec sp_executesql @datacmd, N'@datasize float output', @datasize output

    set @datasize=round(@datasize/128,0)

    set @logcmd='select @logsize=size from ['+@dbname+'].dbo.sysfiles where fileid=2'

    exec sp_executesql @logcmd, N'@logsize float output', @logsize output

    set @logsize=round(@logsize/128,0)

    set @indexcmd='select @indexsize=size from ['+@dbname+'].dbo.sysfiles where fileid=3'

    exec sp_executesql @indexcmd, N'@indexsize float output', @indexsize output

    set @indexsize=round(@indexsize/128,0)

    insert into #db_size (dbdate,dbname,datasize,logsize,indexsize,actual)

    values (getdate(),@dbname,@datasize,@logsize,@indexsize,@usedspace)

    fetch next from c1 into @dbname



    cast(dbno as varchar(5)) "DBno",

    cast(dbdate as varchar(20)) "DBDate",

    cast(dbname as varchar(20)) "DBName",

    cast(datasize as varchar(10)) "datasize",

    cast(logsize as varchar(10)) "logsize",

    cast(indexsize as varchar(10)) "indexsize"

    from #db_size

    drop table #db_size

    close c1

    deallocate c1



  • can anybody help to setup a job 'part 2' on sql agent? I tried to set up a job but failed, would you plz kindly help me to set up a job to monitor the database growth?

  • Wjhy are you passing "0.0 MB" as Griowthrate????

    IF Not Exists (Select Distinct DBName from #TempDBSize2

    where DBName in (Select Distinct DBName from DBGrowthRate))


    Insert into dbo.DBGrowthRate (DBName, DBID, NumPages, OrigSize, CurSize, GrowthAmt, MetricDate)

    (Select tds.DBName, tds.database_ID, Sum(tds.Size) as NumPages,

    Convert(decimal(10,2),(((Sum(Convert(decimal(10,2),tds.Size)) * 8000)/1024)/1024)) as OrigSize,

    Convert(decimal(10,2),(((Sum(Convert(decimal(10,2),tds.Size)) * 8000)/1024)/1024)) as CurSize,

    '0.00 MB' as GrowthAmt, GetDate() as MetricDate

    from #TempDBSize2 tds

    where tds.database_ID not in (Select Distinct DBID from DBGrowthRate

    where DBName = tds.database_ID)

    Group by tds.database_ID, tds.DBName)


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