-The parameter is incorrect- I cannot create tables, modify etc ..

  • Due to a trouble I was reinstall the Sql Express database (except management studio).

    Now, once reinstall completes ok, I have the same problems:

    I cannot create or modify any table using management studio, BUT i CAN using T-SQL Code.

    WHY ?

    When i try to add or modify a table using Management Studio, a MsgBox ever shows indicating "The parameter is incorrect"

    SA have all WITH GRANT access

    Im logoned on the server as "DEDICADO/Administrator".

    Anyone can help me.

    How can i create, modify, etc .. tables in sql 2005 express using management studio without getting this error ??


  • in SSMS GUI you can prepare to create a new db but press the "script" button/combo to generate the TSQL in a new query window (then click cancel so its not done by dialogbox)

    that should show you what is being attempted on your behalf (or use Profiler to discover the underlying TSQL code).

    I have found that crazy settings on model (or even master perhaps) can have the sort of effect you are describing, so check the paths, owner and autogrow settings carefully

  • Thanks but

    I'm said that i cannot create or modify TABLES (not databases) for an existing database that i attach from a file (that come from another server).

    OLD_SERVER: "MyDatabase" Ok all

    NEW_SERVER: I attach the files .mdf .log of "MyDatabase"

    Now on NEW_SERVER i cannot create or modify tables USING Management Studio.

    That's the problem

    Anyone knows how to resolve !


  • when you attempt to create TABLES with SSMS you are given the designer grid to name columns, datatypes etc

    instead of pressing the OK button, click the GenerateChangeScript on TableDesigner menu and this will give you the TSQL in the "save change script" dialog box. select all the text and

    do "copy" on context menu (right click).

    paste that TSQL into a new query window and debug what is/not happening.

    the supposition is that your login has permissions on the old server but not on the new one

    you might like to try these commands [on old and new servers] to help diagnose

    - in addition to the SSMS security views

    exec master..xp_logininfo 'yourdomain\yourlogin','all'

    use newdb

    exec sp_change_users_login 'Report'



  • I've also just started having this issue. I had Vista Home basic and after I upgraded it to Vista Ultimate i started getting this message in SQLServer 2008 Exress. I have tried reinstalling .net frameworks, powershell & Sql Server but i still get it... HELP!?

  • security accounts come from the domain [may be AD] or local SAM if standalone

    - this defines account names and SIDs (ugly GUID things!)

    if you have re-installed the O/S this means a new SAM and thus different SIDs

    - thus SQL doesn't recognise the new you as valid user, so no-go

    if you are sa (perhaps in Adminsitrators LG so BUILTIN\Administrators makes you sa) then you should be able to drop users [perhaps logins too], and add anew

    - means that SQL will get the new {SID,name} settings and you'll work again

    obviously dropping a user will lose all permissions, role memberships etc, so suggest you script this out before you drop users



  • I just started experiencing this as well. I'm using Management Studio for SQL Server 2008. When I try to pull up the table designer, I get the error "the parameter is incorrect".

    Anyone tempted to tell me to generate a change script from the designer, please read the second sentence in the previous paragraph. I can't even get to the designer.

    What in the world is up with Microsoft these days? The most basic functionality in almost all their apps and OS is flakey and buggy. I would be embarrassed to admit I worked for them. They obviously don't give a damn.

  • searching the MS sites I found this oldie


    which suggested problems with not using explicit instance names

    - suggest you remove and re-register instance name if using "." or (local) or whatever

    please also confirm you are trying to connect to SQL2008 db using regular db engine

    - i.e. not SQL2000 db or SQLCE

    finally, suggest you use Profiler to capture what SSMS/SSMSE is spitting to engine

    - no excuses for any MS bugs, and I'm just trying to diagnose your problem !



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