huge .BAK FILE

  • I have a .bak file of 72gb. But my database size is only 32gb, I got this value from sp_spaceused?

    Anyone know why the .bak file is so big?. Is it possible to reduce the size? How could i reduce it?

  • Most likely, your backup file contains a lot of information on logs. Did you have transactional backup after your full backup? Did you shrink your data and log files after your transactional backups?

  • I fixed the proble. I had many headers on the .bak file. I needed WITH INIT.

    I do only full backups nightly.

  • Just checking, what recovery model is your database using?


  • Lynn,

    Simple as we do only full backups.

  • Just checking, as I have seen people just running full backups with the database using the Full recovery model.

  • If you would like to have full backup only, you should set the recovery mode to SIMPLE. Otherwise, your log file will keep increasing. Although this rate may not be high, it is not a right approach setting the mode to FULL while only having full backup.

  • Leave it as full

    Add transaction log backups

    Use INIT, do not pile backups on top of another in one file.

  • If you are doing it from the console manager -> "all tasks" -> "backlup database" the "Overwrite" section has the following exclusive choices:

    - Append to media

    - Oerwrite existing media.

    By default, the "Append to media" radio button is selected.

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