Attach Database failed with 9004 error.(an error occurred while processing the log for database )

  • Hello all,

    A Production database has 14 secondary files divided over 6 filegroups with one single log file.

    This database skipped into Suspected mode .The database was then detached . Now we are not able to attach the same.It shows "Attach Database failed with 9004 error (an error occurred while processing the log for database )" .

    We tried a workaround as

    - Rename the exsisting Data and logfiles.

    - Create an empty database with the same name and physical file layout (file,filegroup structure (irrespective of file size) )

    - Stop the sql services;

    - Swap in the files you want to attach in place of the empty DB files, and start the server

    - Put the db in emergency mode using " UPDATE master..sysdatabases SET status=-32768 WHERE name=' ' "

    - Put the db in single user mode using sp_dboption

    - Run DBCC CHECKDB(dbname,repair_allow_data_loss)

    we are encountering error at the last step as "Could not run BEGIN TRANSACTION in database because the database is in bypass recovery mode "

    Could you please suggest us a alternative workaround so as the database can be brought online.

  • do you know why it went into suspect mode?

    you're best bet is likely to be restoring the database from a backup before the cause of the suspect status


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