OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server " " returned message "No transaction is active."

  • I have linked a local SQL 2005 Standard Server 32-bit Unclustered to a remote SQL Server 2005 Standard 64-bit Clustered Server. I am able to run a Stored Procedure that is on the remoted clustered from the Local Unclustered server and have the results grid populate with the select statement's results that is within the stored procedure.

    When I try to run the same stored procedure on the Local and insert it into a Local table I get the following error:

    OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server " " returned message "No transaction is active.".

    Msg 7391, Level 16, State 2, Line 40

    The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "" " was unable to begin a distributed transaction.

    I have seen a lot of post in various forums and on MSDN and have addressed all issues with com services settings and the like, but to no avail. Anyone else have any other suggestions?



  • Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

  • well I am getting exactly the same behavior, and I have the identical environment to you - will be interesting to see what the gurus have to say 🙂

  • How exactly are you running the remote SP? You will need to ensure that your MSDTC setup is working properly if you want to insert the results of the remote proc into a local table. Check out this TechNet article for generic troubleshooting steps: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;306212

    If your local batch is doing any kind of data modification operation (including INSERT of any form) there will be an implicit local transaction, which will be automatically promoted to a distributed transaction and thus require MSDTC to be working properly. Your SET XACT_ABORT setting will probably be relevant here too.



  • We opened up a microsoft support query, and I got it resolved. 😀

    It seems that there can be numerous causes for this error, but in my case,

    even though I had DTCPing working bi-directionally, the DTC security settings

    were set to use mutual authentication.

    This only works if both servers are on the same domain, and ours are in separate DMZ's,

    so I went through the following steps on all machines participating

    in the distributed transaction to get it working:

    1. open up "Component Services"

    Control Panel > Administrative tools > Component Services

    2. in Component Servies, right click "My Computer" and select "Properties"

    Console Root > Component Services > Computers > My Computer

    3. select the "MSDTC" tab, and click "Security Configuration" in the "Transaction Configuration" group box

    4. in "Security Settings" > "Transaction Manager Communication"

    select "No Authentication Required"

    5. restart the DTC service (should do so automatically)

    Originally, I had "Mutual Authentication Required" selected.

    I dont know if the "Incoming Caller Authentication Required" option would work.

    I hope that this helps some of you! 🙂

  • Good to hear!



  • We've also been sporadically experiencing this same error. The calling server is already set to "No Authentication Required" and the other is still on WIN2K server. Where is this MSDTC setting in WIN2K?????

    Pistol Pete

  • Pete,

    Did you have this issue solved? I am facing the same problem that you are.

    Best regards,

    Guilherme Zonatto.

  • I am sure you might have resolved issue by now but just in case Not resolved then you may refer link


    that can guide you resolve this issue even for Windows Server 2008.


  • Thanks Guys, you have saved me a lot of trouble!

  • I am getting the same error even I did the same setting in both of my server specified in the link http://www.sqlvillage.com/Articles/Distributed%20Transaction%20Issue%20for%20Linked%20Server%20in%20SQL%20Server%202008.asp

  • I am getting the same error even after I did the setting mentioned in the site. can any one suggest


  • Like most other users I'm too lazy to read through the entire comment thread. Can someone please spoonfeed me the answer.

  • Hi all,

    I've been getting the same error message trying to fill a local table variable with the results of a remote stored procedure. Local database is SS2008 R2 on Win2008, and remote is SS2005 on Win2003 and in a different (trusted) domain.

    I set XACT_ABORT to off; and that didn't resolve it.

    I followed the instructions in the linked articles and set DTC security to "No Authentication Required"; and that didn't resolve it.

    I tested the linked server by running a direct query against a test table; and that ran fine. So there isn't a problem with the network, linked server settings, or security between the domains. It just seems to be with the INSERT INTO.... EXEC part.

    As a workaround I have re-written part of the remote sproc to fill an output varchar parameter with the same result set but using FOR XML. I then shred the xml in the local sproc. This seems to solve my immediate problem.

    Thanks for the above links anyway! They helped 🙂


  • This change of setting on SQL2008 R2 works for me.

    Thanks for sharing this information.




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