The number of requests for "XXXServer\XXXUser" has exceeded the maximum number allowed for a single user.

  • I have created a local user on Report Server Computer and the user has the administrative rights.

    When i try to connect Report Server ( with this user's credantials. (ReportServer directory security is set -only- to Basic Authentication. ).

    I get the following error.

    Reporting Services Error


    The number of requests for "XXXServer\XXXUser" has exceeded the maximum number allowed for a single user.


    SQL Server Reporting Services

    Then i try to login using a different user with administrative rights on the machine, i can logon successfully.

    The system is up for a month but this problem occured today?!? What could be the problem?!?

  • You might want to check to see if you are limiting the number of connections:

    In IIS, go to the properties for the web site that hosts the reports - by default - default web site, go to the performance tab - verify web site connections is set to unlimited or that the limited number meets your needs.

    Also - you might want to try NOT using Basic Authentication.

    Good luck.


  • Hi,

    I am also facing similar problem... i have checked the performance tab as mentioned earlier. But still the issues persists.

    Please help!!

  • There are settings in the rsreportserver.config file that might help with that...BOL mentions looking for this setting:


    Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous and in-progress connections that a single user can open to the report server. Once the limit is reached, further connection requests from the user are denied. This configuration setting is intended to mitigate a denial of service attack. Valid values are 0 to a maximum integer. The default is 20.

    Note that most requests process very quickly so it is unlikely that a single user will have more than 20 open connections at any given time. If users are opening more than 15 process-intensive reports at the same time, you might need to increase this value.

    This setting is ignored for report servers that run in SharePoint integrated mode. For more information about server modes, see Deployment Modes for Reporting Services.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Hi, I got the answer for this. Try this, it may work for you also.

    When you browse the Report Manager, you're getting the above error message.

    To resolve this issue, Do the following,

    Search for the key

    ---- MaxActiveReqForOneUser in RSREPORTSERVER.config file under the ReportServer directory,

    And set the value to 400 that would look like this

    Save the rsreportserver.config file and restart the IIS

    Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous and in-progress connections that a single user can open to Report Manager. Once the limit is reached, further connection requests from the user are denied. This configuration setting is intended to mitigate a denial of service attack.

    Valid values are 0 to a maximum integer. 0 indicates no limit on the number of connections. The default is 20.

    Note that most requests process very quickly so it is unlikely that a single user will have more than 20 open connections at any given time. If users are opening more than 15 process-intensive reports at the same time, you might need to increase this value.

  • Hi All

    i did the same changes recommended here(changed MaxActiveReqForOneUser to 0). it worked for few days now again the same error had occured. Now the things i can see is even Analysis services becomes unavailable.(can't get accessed from management studio too.)The state of the service is abnormal (can't say it is running or stopped).

    The server is quite OK around 300 GB free space availabe with 4 GB Ram.

    The size of OLAP cube is around 5GB.

    Can anybody help me out on this?

  • review where you set max active requests.

    0 ( no limit ) will allow you to possibly overload the server.

    Default was 20 - try 40 as suggested


  • Thanks Greg,

    The reason behind keeping MaxActiveReqForOneUser=0 is because i have seen connections getting exceeded beyond 105 (from performance monitor)during working hours. May be exceeding more after that.

    But still, i will try to set to some minimum may be around 150.

  • MaxActiveReqForOneUser is the solution that worked for me.

    Also try not to set this value to '0', if you are not managing your connections. With too many requests server can be overloaded and crash (done that been there).

  • found userful, i have encountered this problem today and fixed it based on this thread. thanks a lot

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