Error 3242 Microsoft tape format not

  • Bye,

    I had a anomaly during the commit of a vud file on vhd file. In practice my sql server 2000 virtual machine hasn't the last modifies.

    Using a recovery files software I found the last backup of manteinance plan of the day before crash, and I would restore these ones.

    I copied all .bak files in the same path where manteinance plan saved the scheduled backup, but during restoring I have this error:

    Error 3242 ....Microsoft Tape Format not valid ( SQL-DMODBC 4200)

    I tried all known commands:

    restore database ....

    restore filelistonly.....

    restore headeronly....

    restore verifyonly.....


    How can i recover my backups?


  • Try these links anyone might help you.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Thanks for your replay, but two links doesn't help me. My scheduled backup are made on device, and not on tape.

    I recovered all backup of the day before crash.... I'm talking about of a sql server virtual machine are not made the commit during shutdown....This is my really problem.....

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