Urgent: cannot remove database role, ''dbo'' from my permissions

  • Under Security/Logins I find my user name. Using Database Access tab, I highlight a database. I uncheck "db_owner" in bottom box. I attempt to save it and get:SQL server error 15405: cannot use the reserved user or role name 'dbo'.

    As you can see, I'm not, I'm attempting to remove it from my name.

    A brief history:

    All objects in this database have owner: dbo.

    ME, the previous Sysadmin, User Domain\myname was assigned dbo of several databases at the Security\logins level. Security policy has changed and now we need to change to db_dataread, db_datawrite and execute on all stored procs and functions for data manipulation.

    In order to test the new concept, I must first remove Domain\myname as dbo, sysadmin and only grant rights (db_dataread, db_datawrite and execute on all stored procs and functions) to the database.

    I've Deleted my name as a user from at the database level, as well as remove myself as a SQL Server login.

    In effect, 'Domain\myname' a user, having a login, has been deleted.

    Now, to test my new permissions, from the SQL Server level, I add myself again, using the same domain\myname(as we are going to windows authentication as this is necessary for the test).

    As soon as I create myself in Security/Logins and attempt to close the dialogue box, I get the message "It has been detected that this login has permissions in specific database(s) - the login will have access to these databases now."

    It restores me as dbo in all the databases I was in prior to deletion. I cannot uncheck dbo in Database Access and save.

    Note: I have stopped and re-started the sql server service.

    Can anyone shed light here?

  • Hmmm .. think you might benefit from a good read of BOL or a suitable training course!

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • You might get better feedback if you post in one of the SQL subfolders instead of the Notification Services area.

  • Try running orphan user script in each and every user databases. This will drop and clear the anamolies in the user-login conflicts. As you are a sysadmin, you can still be in the group and you will have all the privileges on the system. I want understand why you want to be a user again. Recreate all the database objects with "dbo".

    -- Orphan user Security Fix:


    @username varchar(25)

    DECLARE fixusers CURSOR


    SELECT UserName = name FROM sysusers WHERE issqluser = 1 and (sid is not null and sid <> 0x0)

    and suser_sname(sid) is null and [name] in (select [name] from master.dbo.syslogins)

    ORDER BY name

    OPEN fixusers

    FETCH NEXT FROM fixusers

    INTO @username



    EXEC sp_change_users_login 'update_one', @username, @username

    FETCH NEXT FROM fixusers

    INTO @username


    CLOSE fixusers

    DEALLOCATE fixusers




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