cannot run job script on new server

  • I have a job running on a server, and i am trying to copy it onto another server. i scripted the job and then ran the script on the new server but i get this error when i try to add the job:


    Msg 14234, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_verify_job, Line 243

    The specified '@notify_email_operator_name' is invalid (valid values are returned

    by sp_help_operator).


    Does anyone know what this error means and how to resolve it?

  • Does the job email a named operator on success/failure?

    If so you might need to script the operator (or add the operator to the server with the same name manually) - you can use SSMS or call

    EXEC sp_add_operator @name=N'operatorName', @email_address='' 

    (see for other parameters) or you can just remove the @notify_email_operator parameter from the call to sp_add_job in the script however the job will nolonger email on success/failure.

    - James

    James Moore
    Red Gate Software Ltd

  • yep, that sorted it. i ran  "sp_help_operator" on on the source database, found the operators that were there, and added them to the new database using the data provided by you :

    EXEC sp_add_operator @name=N'operatorName', @email_address='' 


    Thanks for all the help!

  • This helped me as well.


  • In your case, you might just be doing some testing on your machine, and you might not care about the email notifications so you can safely set @notify_email_operator_name = NULL and then re-run the script.

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