How do I trap SQL Server error in Access Project VBA?

  • I have an Access 2003 project that uses SQL Server 2000. I have a VBA procedure that calls a SP and that SP checks to see if a certain condition exists and then uses the Raiserror function to send a message back to Access. This works find, but I want to trap the error after it fires/displays message so I can Exit the Sub that called it. I have tried numerous methods posted on the internet, but none work. Here is a portion of the SP code for the Raiserror that works:

    DECLARE @strMsg varchar(100)

    SET @strMsg =  'There are no samples that need RunSheets created for this Study, Method and Matrix'



      FROM dbo.tblSampleMain

        WHERE RunSheet_Created = 0

        AND Method_ID = @MethodID

        AND Study_Tracker = @StudyTracker

      AND Matrix_ID = @MatrixID) < 1


      RAISERROR (@strMsg, 18, 1)





    TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.tblCreateRunSheet

    This works fine, but I can't trap it so the VBA Sub continues, but I want to exit it if this message fires. This is one of the ways I have tried to trap it unsuccessfully:

    Dim errX As DAO.Error

    If Errors.Count > 1 Then

          For Each errX In DAO.Errors

             Debug.Print "ODBC Error"

             Debug.Print errX.Number

             Debug.Print errX.Description

          Next errX


          Debug.Print "VBA Error"

          Debug.Print Err.Number

          Debug.Print Err.Description

       End If

    Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • An access project doesn't Dao I believe. You might be looking in the wrong section.

    If Errors.Count > 1 Then

    For Each errX In Errors

             Debug.Print "Error"

             Debug.Print errX.Number

             Debug.Print errX.Description

          Next errX

    end if

    In dao (Access97) I write commonly

    if err.number<>0 then

    msgbox errors(0).description 'mostly the odbc error

    end if

  • The only time SQL server reports an error back to Access is when the severity level is 19 or higher and the procedure is terminated.  It appears that in your case, you want the procedure to continue.  In that case declare an output parameter of type integer, and optionally an output parameter to display a message.  Rather than using Raiserror, set the output parameters to @@ERROR and your custom error message.  @@ERROR will be 0 if the last SQL statement completed successfully.  Once the procedure returns, your VBA code can check to see if the output parameter is > 0.

    Good Luck

  • I just reread your post and realize I misunderstood what you were trying to accomplish.  I have never used DAO to connect to SQL server from an Access project.  I use ADO so I can't tell you how to do it in DAO, but in ADO it would look like something like this:

    Private Sub Test()

        Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command

        Dim par As ADODB.Parameter


        With cmd

            .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

            .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

            .CommandText = "dbo.Test"  'This is the name of the stored procedure


            Set par = .CreateParameter("@Return", adInteger, adParamReturnValue)

            .Parameters.Append par




            If .Parameters("@Return") > 0 Then

                'message to the user

                Exit Sub


                'some code here

            End If

        End With


        Set par = Nothing

        Set cmd = Nothing

    End Sub

    In your stored procedure, rather than the Raiserror statement, just set return to a number greater than 0 anytime you want your vba code to display a message and exit.

    I know it isn't a DAO solution, but I hope it helps


  • I do use ADO. I just saw that DAO code on a website and thought I would try it. The problem is some procedures do pass the info to Access through Access's error channel and other procedures pass the message, but not through the error channel. Here is an example and the results that work:

    ALTER   PROCEDURE dbo.usp_DisplayResults


    DECLARE @strMsg varchar(100)

    SET @strMsg =  'All results have been sent for this study!'


      FROM dbo.tempResults) < 1


      RAISERROR (@strMsg, 18, 1)

      SELECT @strMsg AS Message




      SELECT * FROM dbo.tempResults

    And here is an example that sends the message but not through the error handler which is the same in both calling subs:


      FROM dbo.tblRunSheets

        WHERE Sequence_Created = 0

      AND Method_ID = @MethodID

        AND Study_Tracker = @StudyTracker

      AND RunSheet_ID = @RunSheetID) < 1


      RAISERROR (@strMsg, 18, 1)




     IF (SELECT DISTINCT Cleanup_Analyst

       FROM dbo.tblRunSheets

       WHERE Method_ID = @MethodID

       AND Study_Tracker = @StudyTracker

       AND RunSheet_ID = @RunSheetID) IS NULL


      SET @strMsg =  'Cleanup has not been performed on this RunSheet. Please perform Cleanup before Sequencing'

      RAISERROR (@strMsg, 18, 1)





    As you can see it passed the message, but not through this error handler:

    If Err.Number = 8008 Then

            Resume Next


            MsgBox ("Error # " & Err.Number & ":  " & Err.Description)

            Resume exit_cmdEmail_click

    End If

  • I still don't understand why you need to do this using errors.  I appears that you want to check for certain conditions throughout your stored procedure, and send a message back if the condition is true.  I will assume you want your VBA code to do something different depending on which message is returned.  The easiest way to do this is by using an output parameter for the message and send back a different RETURN value depending on the message:


    ALTER   PROCEDURE dbo.usp_DisplayResults


    @strMsg varchar(100) OUTPUT



    SET @strMsg =  ‘’   --set this initially to an empty string


      FROM dbo.tempResults) < 1


      Set @strMessage = 'All results have been sent for this study!'

      RETURN  1



      SELECT * FROM dbo.tempResults






      FROM dbo.tblRunSheets

        WHERE Sequence_Created = 0

      AND Method_ID = @MethodID

        AND Study_Tracker = @StudyTracker

      AND RunSheet_ID = @RunSheetID) < 1


         Set @strMessage = 'All results have been sent for this study!'

         RETURN  1



      IF (SELECT DISTINCT Cleanup_Analyst

         FROM dbo.tblRunSheets

        WHERE Method_ID = @MethodID

        AND Study_Tracker = @StudyTracker

        AND RunSheet_ID = @RunSheetID) IS NULL


       SET @strMsg =  'Cleanup has not been performed on this RunSheet. Please perform

       Cleanup before Sequencing'  

       RETURN  2






    RETURN 0


    In your sub check the return value and display the message.


    Dim strMessage as string

    strMessage = cmd.parameters(“@strMsg”)


    Select Case cmd.parameters(“@RETURN”)

                Case 1

                            Debug.print strMessage

                            ‘Take some action

                Case 2

                            Debug.print strMessage

                            ‘Take some other action


    End Select




  • I did some more research on trapping error messages in ADO.  First, by Default RAISERROR assigns the number 50000 to user defined error messages that are not in the SysMessages table.  If you want to assign a custom error number, you need to add it to SysMessages using the sp_AddMessage system stored procedure (Check Help files for details).  Then when you want to raise the error, pass the Message ID rather than text:

    RAISERROR(50001, 16, 1)

    To Trap this in your code, you need to use the ADO error object, not VBA's.  The example I used is posted below:

    Public Function Test()

    On Error Resume Next

        Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command

        Dim ADOErr As ADODB.Error


        With cmd

            .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

            .CommandText = "dbo.z_Test"

            .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc




            If .ActiveConnection.Errors.Count > 0 Then

                For Each ADOErr In .ActiveConnection.Errors

                    Debug.Print ADOErr.NativeError & " " & ADOErr.Description


            End If



        End With


        Set cmd = Nothing

    End Function


    You can use the same approach with a recordset and connection object, just check the .ActiveConnection.Errors.Count property of the recordset.


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