Bulk insert from remote system.

  • Hi,

    I am trying to bulkinsert from network system. Please find the test.txt file content given below.

    As well the remaining bulk insert script also mentioned.








    CREATE TABLE BulkInsertTest


      Firstname varchar(20),

      Surname varchar(20)


    BULK INSERT Northwind.dbo.[BulkInsertTest]

       FROM '\\STP3aw07\SampleFiles\test.txt'



             FIELDTERMINATOR = ',',

             ROWTERMINATOR = '\n'


    As i m using Universal Naming Convention (UNC) for remote file sharing

    but i am getting the given below error.

    could not bulk insert because file '\\stp3aw07\Share\test.txt' could not be opened. Operating system error code 1326(Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.).


    Please help me

    regarding permisons the user having all rights for bulkinsert permission

    in the online books i found


    Only members of the sysadmin and bulkadmin fixed server roles can execute BULK INSERT.

    as both of the conditions satisfy but still getting the same problems.

  • Does the account your SQL Server runs under have rights to access the share. Keep in mind it's not using your account, it's using the SQL Server service account. If it's set up to run under the local System account, then it most certainly does not have rights. If it's a domain user account, make sure that user account has rights to access the share.

    K. Brian Kelley

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