Easier Way to Access Extended Events?

  • We have extended event definitions on all our non-prod servers, primarily to aid with debugging and development. At any point we can look to see a list of almost-real-time stored procedure calls.

    The problem is, it's cumbersome to go through object explorer, find the server, expand the tree, and work our way into the Extended Events node, right-click our session and choose "Watch Live Data" (or otherwise access the data from the session).

    Is there an easier way?

    I think I could try to run a query and parse the XML, but that, too, is cumbersome in its own way (I don't particularly care for working with xml path). I use AutoHotKey religiously, and tried to set up a SendKeys macro to navigate through the object explorer tree, but I failed miserably. (In the olde days, I'd hit Ctrl+Alt+NumPad to fire up Profiler, connect to an instance, and start displaying data... all automated, up and going in about 3 seconds. I'm trying to wean myself off trace and use extended events)

    I welcome any suggestions!

  • I've created views for all my Extended Events, so they are a little slow, but orders of magnitude easier to use.

    yes the views shread the XML, but once written they are so easy to use; for me, filtering on timestamp is crucial


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • here's the script i use to generate the CREATE VIEW scripts for all extended events on the server:;

    it has a reference to master.dbo.DelimitedSplit, which is a version i made of the rather famous DelimitedSplit8K, except it's for varchar(max)

    DECLARE @SessionName VARCHAR(128) = NULL; -- = 'DDLChanges'

    --DECLARE @SessionName VARCHAR(128) = 'DDLChanges' -- = NULL; -- =

    ;WITH Prerequisite



    SELECT [sess].[name] As SessionName,

    [targz].[target_name] As TargetName,

    precmd = '


    -- ' + [sess].[name] + '


    IF OBJECT_ID(''[dbo].[vwExtendedEvent_' + [sess].[name] + ']'') IS NOT NULL

    DROP VIEW [dbo].[vwExtendedEvent_' + [sess].[name] + ']


    CREATE VIEW vwExtendedEvent_' + [sess].[name] + ' AS


    n.value(''(@timestamp)[1]'', ''datetime2'') AS [timestamp]

    ,n.value(''(@name)[1]'', ''varchar(128)'') AS EventName

    ,n.value(''(@package)[1]'', ''varchar(128)'') AS PackageName

    ,n.value(''(@id)[1]'', ''int'') AS SessionIdentifier

    ,n.value(''(@version)[1]'', ''int'') AS PackageVersion',

    pstcmd = 'FROM


    CAST(event_data AS XML) AS event_data

    FROM sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file(N''' + [sess].[name] + '*.xel'',null, null, null)

    ) as tab

    CROSS APPLY event_data.nodes(''event'') as q(n)




    from [sys].[dm_xe_sessions] sess

    INNER JOIN [sys].[dm_xe_session_targets] AS targz

    ON [sess].[address] = [targz].[event_session_address]

    WHERE [targz].[target_name] = 'event_file'

    AND ([sess].[name] = @SessionName OR @SessionName IS NULL)


    --SELECT * FROM Prerequisite





    [sess].[name] AS SessionName ,

    [targz].[target_name] AS TargetName,

    [evtz].[event_name] AS EventName,

    [obcolz].[name] AS EventColumn,

    [obcolz].[type_name] AS EventColumnDataType

    FROM [sys].[dm_xe_sessions] sess

    INNER JOIN [sys].[dm_xe_session_targets] AS targz ON [sess].[address] = [targz].[event_session_address]

    INNER JOIN [sys].[dm_xe_session_events] evtz ON [sess].[address] = [evtz].[event_session_address]

    INNER JOIN [sys].[dm_xe_object_columns] obcolz ON [evtz].[event_name] = [obcolz].[object_name]

    WHERE [targz].[target_name] = 'event_file'








    ISNULL(',' + sq.Columns,'') AS ScriptedNodes

    FROM MyDataCTE t

    JOIN (




    Columns = (STUFF((SELECT ',' + 'n.value(''(data[@name="' + EventColumn + '"]/value)[1]'', '''

    + CASE

    WHEN EventColumnDataType = 'Int32'

    THEN 'int'

    WHEN EventColumnDataType = 'boolean'

    THEN 'bit'

    ELSE 'varchar(max)'

    END +''') AS ' + EventColumn + + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)

    FROM MyDataCTE sc

    WHERE sc.SessionName = s.SessionName AND sc.TargetName = s.TargetName AND sc.RW = 1

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)'),1,1,'')


    FROM MyDataCTE s

    ) sq

    ON t.SessionName = sq.SessionName AND t.TargetName = sq.TargetName






    [sess].[name] AS SessionName ,

    [targz].[target_name] AS TargetName,


    from sys.dm_xe_sessions sess

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_xe_session_targets AS targz

    ON sess.address = targz.event_session_address

    AND targz.Target_name = 'event_file'

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_xe_session_events evtz

    ON targz.event_session_address = evtz.event_session_address

    inner join sys.dm_xe_session_event_actions actz

    ON targz.event_session_address = actz.event_session_address AND evtz.event_name = actz.event_name

    WHERE [targz].[target_name] = 'event_file'








    ISNULL(',' + sq.Columns,'') AS ScriptedNodes

    FROM MyDataCTE t

    JOIN (




    Columns = (STUFF((SELECT ',' + 'n.value(''(action[@name="' + action_name + '"]/value)[1]'', ''varchar(max)'') AS '+ action_name + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)

    FROM MyActionsCTE sc

    WHERE sc.SessionName = s.SessionName AND sc.TargetName = s.TargetName AND sc.RW = 1

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)'),1,1,'')


    FROM MyDataCTE s

    ) sq

    ON t.SessionName = sq.SessionName AND t.TargetName = sq.TargetName




    SELECT Prerequisite.SessionName,


    cmd = Prerequisite.precmd


    -- data


    + DataCommands.ScriptedNodes


    -- actions


    + ActionCommands.ScriptedNodes

    + Prerequisite.pstcmd

    FROM Prerequisite

    INNER JOIN DataCommands

    ON Prerequisite.SessionName = DataCommands.SessionName

    AND Prerequisite.TargetName = DataCommands.TargetName

    INNER JOIN ActionCommands

    ON Prerequisite.SessionName = ActionCommands.SessionName

    AND Prerequisite.TargetName = ActionCommands.TargetName


    SELECT * FROm TheData

    CROSS APPLY master.dbo.DelimitedSplit(TheData.cmd,CHAR(13) + CHAR(10))

    WHERE SessionName <> 'system_health'


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Assuming you're outputting to a file, you can just open the file and you'll be immediately viewing the live data. That may not be a lot easier, but it works.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Lowell (11/21/2016)

    I've created views for all my Extended Events, so they are a little slow, but orders of magnitude easier to use.

    yes the views shread the XML, but once written they are so easy to use; for me, filtering on timestamp is crucial

    This looks helpful- not exactly what I was hoping for, but certainly a different (and sometimes more convenient!) means of looking at the data. Thanks for the response, Lowell.

  • Grant Fritchey (11/21/2016)

    Assuming you're outputting to a file, you can just open the file and you'll be immediately viewing the live data. That may not be a lot easier, but it works.

    Hey, this may be just the ticket.... I've found if I double-click an .xel in Explorer it opens a new instance of SSMS. But if I drag a file into (or open from within) SSMS I am good to go. I may need to address dynamic file names, but that can easily be scripted.

    Now we're talking about one-click access to a particular session's data. Thanks!

    If I come up with an ultra-clever solution that might be useful to others, I will post back here.

  • Idera has a collection of free tools, one of which is an Extended Event Profiler. I havn't gotten around to using it yet, but it sounds like what you're looking for.

    .. IDERA’s SQL XEvent Profiler emulates the functionality and simplicity of SQL Server Profiler, letting you quickly view data from SQL events and see what's happening on the server. Plus, it leverages SQL Extended Events (XEvents) as the backing technology — making it more efficient, more powerful and more scalable than SQL Trace ..


    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Eric M Russell (11/22/2016)

    Idera has a collection of free tools, one of which is an Extended Event Profiler. I havn't gotten around to using it yet, but it sounds like what you're looking for.

    .. IDERA’s SQL XEvent Profiler emulates the functionality and simplicity of SQL Server Profiler, letting you quickly view data from SQL events and see what's happening on the server. Plus, it leverages SQL Extended Events (XEvents) as the backing technology — making it more efficient, more powerful and more scalable than SQL Trace ..


    I tried it out. It's a good basic tool that might be useful for some folks. But it doesn't allow me to access my extended event sessions (rather, it acts as a very simple replacement for some uses of Profiler). And unfortunately I am receiving errors while attempting to uninstall it.

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