Optimising SQL to find where times lie within days of the week

  • Hi,

    I am currently working on a test dataset, and trying to figure out the best way to do it.

    I have days of the week and times which have been converted into ticks (864,000,000,000 ticks in a day).

    I am receiving data which specifies a tick, and then a value for that tick. This value will be valid until the next tick occurs.

    I am trying to create a SQL statement that will allow me to calculate which tick value is "active" at any given point in time. Given that this is representing time, and any given week, the values wrap around, and the last value of day 7 will be active at the start of day 1 again.

    My current solution requires me to union two more datasets, to represent the boundaries that would be outside the range of those initially specified but still within the week, and then to join the table onto itself, offsetting it by 1.

    I think this works, but the SQL doesn't look very elegant to me.

    I wanted to make something like this into an in-line table valued function, which this is not, as I am having to make intermediate data sets for my joins. Does anyone have any ideas on improvements to this, that would not lose any of the current functionality?

    DECLARE @testnumber bigINT

    SET @testnumber = 0.5 * CAST(864000000000 AS BIGINT)

    -- create initial data

    DECLARE @numbers TABLE

    (id INT IDENTITY(1,1),day_of_week TINYINT, total_ticks bigint, [testvalue] int)

    INSERT INTO @numbers




    , (2,1944000000000,3)

    , (2,2448000000000,4)

    , (3,2808000000000,5)

    , (3,3312000000000,6)

    , (4,3672000000000,7)

    , (4,4176000000000,8)

    , (5,4536000000000,9)

    , (5,5040000000000,10)

    -- adding outer boundaries

    SELECT * INTO #temp



    SELECT TOP 1 0 AS id, 1 AS day_of_week, 0 AS total_ticks, testvalue

    FROM @numbers n

    ORDER BY n.id desc ) AS tmptbl1


    SELECT id, day_of_week, total_ticks, testvalue

    FROM @numbers




    SELECT TOP 1 11 AS id, 7 AS day_of_week, 8*864000000000

    AS total_ticks, testvalue

    FROM @numbers n

    ORDER BY n.id DESC ) AS tmptbl2

    -- this is the "active" row for the @testnumber variable

    SELECT t1.* FROM #temp t1

    INNER JOIN #temp t2 ON t2.id = t1.id+1

    WHERE @testnumber >= t1.total_ticks AND @testnumber < t2.total_ticks

    DROP TABLE #temp

  • I would just use integer division and remainders. x / ticks_per_day gives the number of full days that have passed and x % ticks_per_day gives the remaining ticks. By the way, it looks like a tick is 100 nanoseconds.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • I understand what you're saying, but I am not sure how to incoporate that, into finding in which interval that my data lies? The actual case is more to do with something like opening times for a store. So at certain time periods, a site will be opened or closed, and I want to figure out that given any time, then was the store open or closed, based on what the "active" row is, on the table.

    I could get the day and the ticks of a time, but the status of a site can change multiple times in the day, so I need to figure out, for a given number of total ticks, what the state currently is.

  • If my understanding is correct, and you're always after the next tick value, have you considered using LEAD (T-SQL), rather than doing a self join?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • That does look like I could rewrite things better with that, I'll give that a try. is there any way I can wrap it around though, so that day 7 links back to day 1? That's the bit I dislike the most, with the union statements.

  • Does day 1 always have a default value? is so LEAD has the option of providing this, as the format is [expression], [offset], [default value].

    So for example you could have:

    --Assumes that day 1 has a tick_value of 0

    LEAD(Tick_value, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY Tick_value ASC) AS Next_tick


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • the first value is the rolled over from what the highest tick value is, as it is representing a week, and is rolling over. There is no set default value. If the highest day of week is midnight on day 5, this value will roll over through day 6, 7 and back through to the first value in day 1.

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