To be or not to be about maintenance plans

  • Hi,

    Dear community,

    I am working with an inherited SQL Server environment, SQL 2008R2, just checking around, there are some databases with oltp apps, others are datawarehouse apps, inclusive there are OLAP, cubes deployments and I realize that not evey instance has a maintenance plans in order established. It just appear that there is no idea that this plans has to be implemented and there are related with performance patterns. There are no problems with backup policy, here are excesivelly sure about this process and their output.

    I have observed that the following tasks and order would be appropiated for our environment,

    1.) Integrity Checks

    2.) ShrinkDb

    3.) Reorg Indexes

    4.) Rebuilt Indexes

    5.) Update Statistics

    Our idea is to have a correctly MP for each app, what does you consider??

    But not sure, and I would I like to hear about your ideas.

    Thanks for your responses

  • I wouldn't make shrinking databases a part of regular maintenance. It causes fragmentation and can waste resources. It's generally not a recommended practice.


  • Thanks for your response,

    A question that every day, I will need to answer is

    Why I will need to run it regularly ?

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