trigger on a view

  • I'm afraid, I didn't understand how to use triggers. May be I'm totally wrong on my way to try to solve the task.

    So please help me with my problem:

    I have three tables in a database behind a ticket system and I should send an e-mail if inside there was a user name changed.

    I mustn't create a trigger on the existing tables in the ticket system database, so I want to collect the data in a view and a table in another database.

    My intention was to compare my view with a table I filled initially with the rows of the view. If there will be a new row inserted into the view, start the trigger, compare the view with my table, identify the new user, send the e-mail and update my table.

    On views are only INSTEAD OF triggers to use...

    Do you have any ideas how to solve it?

  • Why can't you create triggers on the tables?


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Can you create your trigger on your base tables of the View? I try to create triggers on tables as much as possible if needed. And does your view have WITH CHECK OPTION?

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