Loading Multiple csv or xlsx Files into Table

  • I have several dozen csv files where the data quality is poor, so is difficult to load directly into the SQL Server 2012.

    I have written some code to save them as XLSX and am trying to create a package that would load them in a loop.

    But I am running Windows 7 64-bit with SQL Server 2012 64-bit and Office 2010 32-bit. I keep getting error on connection string. How do I fix that? I used the string below.

    "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="

    +@[User::FileName]+";Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;HDR=YES\";"

    How else can I load these files? Each file has severla hundred thousand rows.

    Thanks in advance.

  • For Each [file] Loop?

  • Have you tried setting the package to run in 32-bit mode? (Project Properties > Config Properties > Debugging > Run64BitRuntime)

    I can't remember 100%, but I don't think there's a 64-bit Jet driver, which can cause an SSIS error when connecting. Failing that, could you just load the csv files rather than converting them to xlsx in a For Each loop as pietlinden suggested?



  • If the problem is still occurring, can you post the error you get?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • When I enter the connection string, I get the folloiwng error:

    Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0024108

  • Unfortunately, I can't. The data is pretty crappy. Lot fo double quotes and numeric columns preceeded by =".

  • use the ACE driver - 32 and 64bit available and will process all versions of Excel. freely available at microsoft https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39358

  • I am not totally certain but you may want to install the appropriate version of the provider (32 bit, 64 bit) on both the machine where Office is installed and the machine where SSIS is installed.


  • One suggestion, import then into an Access database first, then pull the data from there.

    The ACE connection issues go away, and Access does a better job pulling spread sheets in then SSIS.

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • Michael L John (9/27/2016)

    and Access does a better job pulling spread sheets in then SSIS.

    So you would not use SSIS to pull into Access? I think the user wants to schedule automation here with SSIS and no user involvement. You can still import into an Access database within SSIS.


  • I don't need to do anything in Access. I have gazillion xlsx files that I need into SQL server table and thinking of using SSIS. But the foreach loop is giving me trouble.

    Hope that clarifies. Thanks in advance.


  • I know you've said that the data quality is poor, but what does converting the files from csv to xlsx actually achiev,e(and how are you doing so?

    Just loading a csv file in Excel and then saving it (as xlsx), won't actually improve data quality at all.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • I have several dozen csv files where the data quality is poor, so is difficult to load directly into the SQL Server 2012.

    I have trouble imaging this, and certainly to the point where importing it into Excel first would solve the issues. Your first job is simply to possess the data. Just get it into a table in the current condition. Start fixing it from there. You may stage through several tables to do this, but that's okay.

  • RonKyle (9/28/2016)

    I have several dozen csv files where the data quality is poor, so is difficult to load directly into the SQL Server 2012.

    I have trouble imaging this, and certainly to the point where importing it into Excel first would solve the issues. Your first job is simply to possess the data. Just get it into a table in the current condition. Start fixing it from there. You may stage through several tables to do this, but that's okay.

    And for these types of situations I would also go with the staging table having something like varchar(255) for all the fields, as you state, just to get the data into a table where you can begin to study the data quality.


  • tinausa (9/26/2016)

    When I enter the connection string, I get the folloiwng error:

    Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0024108

    Does the suggestion at this link https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/ae994b54-ce9d-4826-8635-efce44668eef/cannot-import-multiple-xlsx-files-using-foreach-loop?forum=sqlintegrationservices solve your problem?

    - Les

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