query that returns seconds

  • hello,

    i need help with this query.

    i will work you through the process maybe ii can be assisted

    /* The purpose of this script is to calculate the Delay seconds from the differences in days

    and hours allconverted to seconds to be used to update a column in the Dontractdetail table*/

    /* selecting days that have true conditions and returning those days as Contractdetailfirstday*

    same process is done to select the programfirstdays*/


    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#updatecontractdetailtable') IS NOT NULL

    DROP table #updatecontractdetailtable;

    SELECT programID, Stationid, CASE WHEN Monday = 1 THEN 'Monday'

    WHEN Tuesday = 1 THEN 'Tuesday'

    WHEN Wednesday = 1 THEN 'Wednesday'

    WHEN Thursday = 1 THEN 'Thursday'

    WHEN friday = 1 THEN 'Friday'

    WHEN saturday = 1 THEN 'Saturday'

    WHEN sunday = 1 THEN 'Sunday'

    END AS ContractdetailFirstDay,

    StartTime AS Contractdetailstarttime,contractheaderid,DelaySeconds

    into #updatecontractdetailtable

    from ContractDetail

    WHERE ProgramID IS NOT null

    ORDER BY programid,Stationid;



    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#updateprogramtables') IS NOT NULL

    DROP table #updateprogramtables;

    SELECT ID ,Name,StartTime AS Programstarttime,CASE WHEN Monday = 1 THEN 'Monday'

    WHEN Tuesday = 1 THEN 'Tuesday'

    WHEN Wednesday = 1 THEN 'Wednesday'

    WHEN Thursday = 1 THEN 'Thursday'

    WHEN friday = 1 THEN 'Friday'

    WHEN saturday = 1 THEN 'Saturday'

    WHEN sunday = 1 THEN 'Sunday'

    END AS ProgramFirstDay

    INTO #updateprogramtables

    FROM Program


    --SELECT * FROM dbo.ContractDetail


    SELECT * FROM #updateprogramtables

    SELECT * FROM #updatecontractdetailtable

    /* this is where the cursor is used to select the days thats require conversion from days to seconds and also convert

    the hrs difference into seconds to be added tup to get the delayseconds total for the each ID/programid , what am i doing wrong ?*/


    IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM tempdb..sysobjects



    CREATE TABLE #DELAYSECONDSTABLE (daydelayseconds INT,hrsdelayseconds INT)

    DECLARE @programID INT, @stationID INT ,@contractdetailfirstday float , @contractdetailStarttime date ,@contractheaderID Int,@Delayseconds Int,

    @ID INT,@Name Varchar (100), @ProgramStarttime date , @ProgramFirstday BIT , @daydelayseconds int, @hrsdelayseconds Int

    Declare Contractdetailcursor cursor for

    select programID, Stationid,ContractdetailFirstDay,Contractdetailstarttime,contractheaderid,DelaySeconds

    from #updatecontractdetailtable

    SET @ContractdetailFirstDay = CASEWHEN @ContractdetailFirstDay ='Monday'THEN REPLACE('monday', 'monday', '7')

    WHEN @contractdetailfirstday ='tuesday'THEN REPLACE('tuesday','tuesday','6')

    WHEN @contractdetailfirstday ='wednesday' THEN REPLACE('wednesday','wednesday','5')

    WHEN @contractdetailfirstday ='Thursday'THEN REPLACE('thursday','thursday','4')

    WHEN @contractdetailfirstday ='friday'THEN REPLACE('friday','friday','3')

    WHEN @contractdetailfirstday ='saturday'THEN REPLACE('saturday','saturday','2')

    WHEN @contractdetailfirstday ='sunday'THEN REPLACE('sunda','sunday','1')


    SET @ProgramFirstday = CASEWHEN @ProgramFirstday ='Monday'THEN REPLACE('monday', 'monday', '7')

    WHEN @ProgramFirstday ='tuesday'THEN REPLACE('tuesday','tuesday','6')

    WHEN @ProgramFirstday ='wednesday' THEN REPLACE('wednesday','wednesday','5')

    WHEN @ProgramFirstday ='Thursday'THEN REPLACE('thursday','thursday','4')

    WHEN @ProgramFirstday ='friday'THEN REPLACE('friday','friday','3')

    WHEN @ProgramFirstday ='saturday'THEN REPLACE('saturday','saturday','2')

    WHEN @ProgramFirstday ='sunday'THEN REPLACE('sunday','sunday','1')



    OPEN Contractdetailcursor;

    FETCH NEXT FROM Contractdetailcursor into @programID, @Stationid,@ContractdetailFirstDay,@Contractdetailstarttime,@contractheaderid,@DelaySeconds



    SET @DelaySeconds=0

    DECLARE programdetailcursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT ID,Name,Programstarttime,ProgramFirstDay

    FROM #updateprogramtables

    OPEN programdetailcursor;


    FETCH NEXT FROM programdetailcursor INTO @ID,@Name,@ProgramStarttime ,@ProgramFirstday


    IF @contractdetailfirstday-@programfirstday>0 AND @ID =@programID


    SET @daydelayseconds = (@contractdetailfirstday-@programfirstday)*24*60*60

    SET @hrsdelayseconds= CASE

    when DATEDIFF(minute,@Contractdetailstarttime,@ProgramStarttime) < 60 then DATEDIFF(minute,@Contractdetailstarttime,@ProgramStarttime)

    when DATEDIFF(minute,@Contractdetailstarttime,@ProgramStarttime) >= 60

    then '60,'+ cast( (cast(DATEDIFF(minute,@Contractdetailstarttime,@ProgramStarttime) as int )-60) as nvarchar(50) )


    INSERT INTO #DELAYSECONDSTABLE ( daydelayseconds , hrsdelayseconds)

    SELECT @daydelayseconds,@hrsdelayseconds




    IF @contractdetailfirstday-@contractdetailfirstday=0



    FETCH NEXT FROM programdetailcursor INTO @ID,@Name,@ProgramStarttime ,@ProgramFirstday;


    CLOSE programdetailcursor;

    DEALLOCATE programdetailcursor;

    FETCH NEXT FROM Contractdetailcursor into @programID, @Stationid,@ContractdetailFirstDay,@Contractdetailstarttime,@contractheaderid,@DelaySeconds;


    CLOSE Contractdetailcursor;

    DEALLOCATE Contractdetailcursor;



    I learn from the footprints of giants......

  • 1) we have no sample tables and data and expected output to help you with the code.

    2) you have multiple cursors (not even declared fast_forward). Row-based processing in SQL Server is to be avoided in almost every scenario.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Those CASE statements with the REPLACE??? They make me question if you understand what you're trying to do.

    Alvin Ramard
    Memphis PASS Chapter[/url]

    All my SSC forum answers come with a money back guarantee. If you didn't like the answer then I'll gladly refund what you paid for it.

    For best practices on asking questions, please read the following article: Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • While agreeing with TheSQLGuru that cursors are to be avoided, the way to calculate the number of seconds is fairly simple.

    Declare @Start datetime = '8/23/2016 8:30am'

    ,@Stop datetime = '8/24/2016 12:30pm'

    select datediff(second,@start,@stop) as seconds

    If you want a solution that involves how you are joining your tables together and filtering out unwanted rows, please supply the following:

    (1) scripts to create all relevant tables

    (2) scripts to INSERT sample data into those tables

    (3) what you would expect results to look like from your sample data.

    Please understand that descriptions are hard to understand because we have no background with your data. We don't need you to work us through your process. Just show us the objective and you will get a more efficient solution. But you have to draw us a picture of what you want, then supply sample data (in tables) so we can code and TEST solutions.

    Thanks for helping us help you. 🙂


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thanks Guys for your imputs, see attached sample data in excel below, this data is is populated in the Temp tables



    My purpose is to get the difference in the Contractdetailfirstday-Programdetail first day i.e based on the id column =programid column

    see description below:

    contract detailFirstday(Minus)Program detail firstday = A

    A*24*60*60 = Delayseconds in day (B)

    Contractdetailstarttime (minus) Programdetailstartime =C

    B+C= D 'delayseconds'


    ELSE 0

    does this make sense?

    I learn from the footprints of giants......

  • Given that this is a free forum, I don't know that you will find anyone that will take the time to set up imports from a 5+MB excel spreadsheet into multiple tables (for which no table definition script is given) just to refactor your script. Perhaps someone can solve the logic without needing the data.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • can I please get some clarification.....for example

    in #updateprogramtables......"ProgramFirstDay" = Monday and "Programstarttime" = 05:00:00


    in #updatecontractdetailtable .... "ContractdetailFirstDay" = Sunday and "Contractdetailstarttime" = 23:00:00

    what results are you expecting?

    eg...is this a long delay or an earlier than scheduled start?

    how are you defining you days of the week precedence?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • TheSQLGuru (8/24/2016)

    Given that this is a free forum, I don't know that you will find anyone that will take the time to set up imports from a 5+MB excel spreadsheet into multiple tables (for which no table definition script is given) just to refactor your script. Perhaps someone can solve the logic without needing the data.


    can you please define datatypes for columns Contractdetailstarttime and Programstarttime

    suggest you cut down on the volume of data and post sufficient and suitable data that demonstrates all possibilities and expected results.

    here is a good place to start


    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • +1 as well.

    Good luck, guys.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • just a thought...but looking at this post and a previous post of yours........ we might be missing a few tricks to get you to your results, maybe...maybe not.

    Are you able to post representative data (CREATE/INSERT) for the two underlying tables...."ContractDetail" and "Program". ???

    I fully appreciate that you have provided data for your own designed temp tables....but just possibly, given the base data, we maybe able to suggest an alternative.

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • I haven't looked at the calculations, but replace your nested cursors with this. And why go to the trouble of specifying a name for the day of the week when what you want is a number. Just calculate the number in the first place.

    SELECT *,


    WHEN cd.Monday = 1 THEN 7

    WHEN cd.Tuesday = 1 THEN 6

    WHEN cd.Wednesday = 1 THEN 5

    WHEN cd.Thursday = 1 THEN 4

    WHEN cd.Friday = 1 THEN 3

    WHEN cd.Saturday = 1 THEN 2

    WHEN cd.Sunday = 1 THEN 1

    END AS ContractDetailFirstDay,


    WHEN p.Monday = 1 THEN 7

    WHEN p.Tuesday = 1 THEN 6

    WHEN p.Wednesday = 1 THEN 5

    WHEN p.Thursday = 1 THEN 4

    WHEN p.Friday = 1 THEN 3

    WHEN p.Saturday = 1 THEN 2

    WHEN p.Sunday = 1 THEN 1

    END AS ProgramFirstDay

    FROM ContractDetail cd

    INNER JOIN Program p

    ON cd.programID = p.ID


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA


    ProgramID INT, ID INT, ContractHeaderID INT, ContractStartTime TIME, ProgramStartTime TIME ,ContractDetailFirstDay INT ,ProgramFirstDay INT, DelaySeconds INT)


    VALUES (625, 625, 115278, '18:00:00', '18:00:00', 2, 2, 0),

    (623, 623, 115279, '8:00:00', '15:05:00', 1,NULL, 0),

    (624, 624, 115280, '18:00:00', '19:00:00', 7, 7, 0),

    (625, 625, 115281, '18:00:00', '18:00:00', 2, 2, 0),

    (625, 625, 115282, '19:00:00', '18:00:00', 2, 2, 3600)

    see my data above,

    i want the delayseconds field populated

    the logic is below:

    lets get the time difference between the

    contractdetailfirstday - programdetailfirstday = a

    a*24(hrs of the day)*60(minutes in the hour)*60(seconds in the minute) =b

    lets get the time difference between the time

    contractdetailstarttime-programstarttime (inseconds) =c

    b+c = d 'delayseconds'

    if (d>0) then return d

    else o

    does this make sense?

    pls assist as this is due today.


    I learn from the footprints of giants......

  • JALLYKAMOZE (8/25/2016)


    ProgramID INT, ID INT, ContractHeaderID INT, ContractStartTime TIME, ProgramStartTime TIME ,ContractDetailFirstDay INT ,ProgramFirstDay INT, DelaySeconds INT)


    VALUES (625, 625, 115278, '18:00:00', '18:00:00', 2, 2, 0),

    (623, 623, 115279, '8:00:00', '15:05:00', 1,NULL, 0),

    (624, 624, 115280, '18:00:00', '19:00:00', 7, 7, 0),

    (625, 625, 115281, '18:00:00', '18:00:00', 2, 2, 0),

    (625, 625, 115282, '19:00:00', '18:00:00', 2, 2, 3600)

    see my data above,

    i want the delayseconds field populated

    the logic is below:

    lets get the time difference between the

    contractdetailfirstday - programdetailfirstday = a

    a*24(hrs of the day)*60(minutes in the hour)*60(seconds in the minute) =b

    lets get the time difference between the time

    contractdetailstarttime-programstarttime (inseconds) =c

    b+c = d 'delayseconds'

    if (d>0) then return d

    else o

    does this make sense?

    No, it doesn't make sense. Using DATEDIFF() as was already mentioned makes sense. The built-in functions are generally going to be much more efficient and accurate than anything that you code (especially if you're going to use cursors).

    pls assist as this is due today.


    You do realize that we are all volunteering our time and effort. If you need something done in a specific timeline, then you should look into hiring a contractor.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen (8/25/2016)

    JALLYKAMOZE (8/25/2016)


    ProgramID INT, ID INT, ContractHeaderID INT, ContractStartTime TIME, ProgramStartTime TIME ,ContractDetailFirstDay INT ,ProgramFirstDay INT, DelaySeconds INT)


    VALUES (625, 625, 115278, '18:00:00', '18:00:00', 2, 2, 0),

    (623, 623, 115279, '8:00:00', '15:05:00', 1,NULL, 0),

    (624, 624, 115280, '18:00:00', '19:00:00', 7, 7, 0),

    (625, 625, 115281, '18:00:00', '18:00:00', 2, 2, 0),

    (625, 625, 115282, '19:00:00', '18:00:00', 2, 2, 3600)

    see my data above,

    i want the delayseconds field populated

    the logic is below:

    lets get the time difference between the

    contractdetailfirstday - programdetailfirstday = a

    a*24(hrs of the day)*60(minutes in the hour)*60(seconds in the minute) =b

    lets get the time difference between the time

    contractdetailstarttime-programstarttime (inseconds) =c

    b+c = d 'delayseconds'

    if (d>0) then return d

    else o

    does this make sense?

    No, it doesn't make sense. Using DATEDIFF() as was already mentioned makes sense. The built-in functions are generally going to be much more efficient and accurate than anything that you code (especially if you're going to use cursors).

    pls assist as this is due today.


    You do realize that we are all volunteering our time and effort. If you need something done in a specific timeline, then you should look into hiring a contractor.


    thanks you for your response.

    I learn from the footprints of giants......

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