stored procedure issue

  • hi I have a issue with the like operator in the loop

    if I set the like operator to LIKE '[@a-b]%'

    when execute the SP with the parameter @a = a I got this in my wanado table


    Antonio del Valle Saavedra

    Anne Heikkonen

    Beate Vileid

    if I set the like operator to LIKE '[@a-@b]%'

    when execute the SP with the parameters @a = a and @b-2 = b I got this in my wanado table


    Beate Vileid

    So what do I wrong ? in the code ??

    USE [Northwind]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SupplierStats] Script Date: 22-08-2016 18:01:15 ******/





    ALTER PROC [dbo].[SupplierStats]

    -- ALTER PROC SupplierStats

    @a nvarchar(50),

    @b-2 nvarchar(50)



    DECLARE @imax INT,

    @i INT

    DECLARE @Contact VARCHAR(100),

    @Company VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @CompanyInfo TABLE(

    RowID INT IDENTITY ( 1 , 1 ),

    CompanyName VARCHAR(100),

    ContactName VARCHAR(50)


    INSERT @CompanyInfo

    SELECT CompanyName,


    FROM Suppliers

    WHERE ContactName LIKE '[@a-@b]%'

    ORDER BY CompanyName

    SET @imax = @@ROWCOUNT

    SET @i = 1

    WHILE (@i <= @imax)


    SELECT @Contact = ContactName,

    @Company = CompanyName

    FROM @CompanyInfo

    WHERE RowID = @i



    INSERT INTO dbo.wanado (ContactName, CompanyName)

    VALUES (@Contact, @Company);


    PRINT CONVERT(varchar,@i)+' Contact: ' + @Contact + ' at ' + @Company

    SET @i = @i + 1

    END -- WHILE

    END -- SPROC

  • You're probably looking for something like this:

    ALTER PROC [dbo].[SupplierStats]

    @a nvarchar(50),

    @b-2 nvarchar(50)



    INSERT INTO dbo.wanado(



    SELECT CompanyName,


    FROM Suppliers

    WHERE ContactName LIKE @a + '%'

    OR ContactName LIKE @b-2 + '%'

    ORDER BY CompanyName;

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • To follow up on Luis' fine answer, the reason you're seeing those results is that you're not actually using the parameters you're passing.

    When you do this:

    [column] LIKE '[@a-b]%'

    you're saying to return rows where the string in that column begins with the literal character '@', or any character in the range from 'a' to 'b'.

    When you do this:

    [column] LIKE '[@a-@b]%'

    you're saying to return rows where the string in that column begins with the literal character '@', any character in the range from 'a' to '@' (which is nothing), or a 'b'.

    To actually use the parameters you pass in you'll need to do something like Luis did.

    Keep in mind that the way Luis wrote it will work for this particular example because the range of starting characters is only the two characters you passed in, but if you actually want to return any name starting with a character in a range that might be more than those two characters (say, with @a='b' and @b-2='q'), then you'll need to write it differently.

    Something like this:

    [column] LIKE '['+@a+'-'+@b+']%'


  • And if you're looking for a range of values between the two parameters, it becomes a bit tricky. For instance, if your parameter values are 'A' and 'C', you'll get anything beginning with an 'A' or anything beginning with a 'C', but nothing beginning with a 'B'.

    There are two basic options: ignore anything that starts with @b-2, but isn't equal to @b-2 or adjust your @b-2 parameter either manually or programmatically to extend the range to include anything that starts with @B.

    -- Ignore names after @b-2 even if they start with @b-2

    WHERE ContactName BETWEEN @a and @b-2

    -- programmatically update @b-2 to get the proper range.

    DECLARE @a VARCHAR(50) = 'UVW',

    @b-2 VARCHAR(50) = 'XYZ'

    SELECT @b-2 = ISNULL(STUFF(@b, v.ind, LEN(@b), CHAR(ASCII(SUBSTRING(@b, v.ind, 1)) + 1)), REPLICATE('ÿ', 50))

    FROM ( VALUES(LEN(@b) + 1 - PATINDEX('%[^ÿ]%', REVERSE(@b))) ) v(ind)

    CROSS APPLY ( VALUES(SUBSTRING(@b, v.ind, 1)) ) l(letter)

    SELECT @a, @b-2

    <your query here>

    WHERE ContactName >= @a

    AND ContactName < @b-2

    The second version looks for the last non-ÿ character in @b-2 and "adds one" to it and truncates the rest of the string. NOTE: I have not tested this with other collations, and do not guarantee that this works with anything other than the default collation.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Jacob Wilkins (8/22/2016)

    Something like this:

    [column] LIKE '['+@a+'-'+@b+']%'


    This will only work if you pass in single characters as your parameters. Given that you've defined your parameters as VARCHAR(50), it seems unlikely that that is the expected use of those parameters. If you use this approach with parameters longer than one character, you will generally not get the results that you expect.

    For example, what would you expect from @a = 'Zona' and @b-2 = 'Zook'? Would you be surprised that it includes 'Albright'?


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen (8/22/2016)

    Jacob Wilkins (8/22/2016)

    Something like this:

    [column] LIKE '['+@a+'-'+@b+']%'


    This will only work if you pass in single characters as your parameters. Given that you've defined your parameters as VARCHAR(50), it seems unlikely that that is the expected use of those parameters. If you use this approach with parameters longer than one character, you will generally not get the results that you expect.

    For example, what would you expect from @a = 'Zona' and @b-2 = 'Zook'? Would you be surprised that it includes 'Albright'?



    His example only used single characters, and since he was using the characters to match wildcard that specifies single characters to match, I assumed that was the requirement.

    It of course must change if you're looking for a BETWEEN that acts as a LIKE 'something%' for the string at the end of the range.

    I would not be surprised at that particular result, since the resulting LIKE is saying to return anything that begins with a 'Z','o','n',anything in the range 'a' to 'Z','o','o',or 'k'.


  • My post is marked as an answer. But I still would like some feedback to make sure that you understand how and why the code was simplified.

    Also that you understand the remarks made by Jacob and Drew.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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