SQL Pivot Assistance Needed

  • Hello. I am in need of some assistance. I am trying to create a pivot view of data in SQL to replace a current method of dumping data into Excel and automating the pivot process.

    Given my current SQL output (please see uploaded image), is it possible to create a dynamic pivot table similar to the desired pivot output (please see uploaded image)?

    I have been trying for days using examples found on the web and no examples are getting me to the right direction...

    Thank you for your time.

    declare @FromDate date = '8/8/2016'

    declare @ToDate date = '8/14/2016'

    SELECT DISTINCT Calendar.CalendarDate, UT_Employees.EmployeeName, UT_PayCodes.PayCodeName,

    (SELECT ISNULL(dbo.UTF_Weekly_Payroll_ST_Hours(@JobID,UT_Employees.EMPLOYEEID,UT_PayCodes.PayCodeID,Calendar.CalendarDate),0)) AS STHours,

    (SELECT ISNULL(dbo.UTF_Weekly_Payroll_OT_Hours(@JobID,UT_Employees.EMPLOYEEID,UT_PayCodes.PayCodeID,Calendar.CalendarDate),0)) AS OTHours,

    (SELECT ISNULL(dbo.UTF_Weekly_Payroll_DT_Hours(@JobID,UT_Employees.EMPLOYEEID,UT_PayCodes.PayCodeID,Calendar.CalendarDate),0)) AS DTHours,

    (SELECT ISNULL(dbo.UTF_Weekly_Payroll_PDM_Units(@JobID,UT_Employees.EMPLOYEEID,UT_PayCodes.PayCodeID,Calendar.CalendarDate),0)) AS Perdiems,

    (SELECT ISNULL(dbo.UTF_Weekly_Payroll_PUT_Units(@JobID,UT_Employees.EMPLOYEEID,UT_PayCodes.PayCodeID,Calendar.CalendarDate),0)) AS Trucks,

    (SELECT ISNULL(dbo.UTF_Weekly_Payroll_TVL_Units(@JobID,UT_Employees.EMPLOYEEID,UT_PayCodes.PayCodeID,Calendar.CalendarDate),0)) AS Travels

    FROM UT_Employees INNER JOIN

    UT_JobPayrollDetails ON UT_Employees.EmployeeID = UT_JobPayrollDetails.EmployeeID INNER JOIN

    UT_PayCodes ON UT_JobPayrollDetails.PayCodeID = UT_PayCodes.PayCodeID CROSS JOIN


    UT_JobPayrollHeaders CROSS JOIN


    WHERE (Calendar.CalendarDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate)

    ORDER BY EmployeeName, PayCodeName, CalendarDate

  • If you're going to generate the pivot in excel, just query the normalized data and create the pivot there. You can create a view which could be the source for the dynamic pivot table and link it to excel to prevent copying and pasting. You could also use PowerPivot.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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  • I know I can achieve the pivoted data result in Excel, however, my goal is to NOT use Excel. I am trying to get the same output from SQL and pass those results to a datagrid within an application.

  • suggest you post the create table script and insert data scripts for your sample data please.


    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Please see attached. Is this suitable?

  • james.stanich (8/18/2016)

    I know I can achieve the pivoted data result in Excel, however, my goal is to NOT use Excel. I am trying to get the same output from SQL and pass those results to a datagrid within an application.

    thanks for the sample data...great.

    now...can you please tell us what this datagrid can do as far as pivoting your data?

    I appreciate you dont want to use Excel....but what functionality does the datagrid provide and what does it require for its dataset.

    As you require "dates" as pivot columns ...can the datagrid do this automagically...or you expecting some form of dynamic SQL to provide these columns.

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • The data would be displayed within a Telerik Winform Datagrid.

    I would need the pivot to handle dynamic dates, but no more than 7 since the display is for weekly information.

    I tried some examples on the web regarding dynamic SQL pivot columns and could not figure out how to get the distinct values of dates.

    In your opinion, is what I am after possible in SQL?

  • james.stanich (8/18/2016)

    The data would be displayed within a Telerik Winform Datagrid.

    I would need the pivot to handle dynamic dates, but no more than 7 since the display is for weekly information.

    I tried some examples on the web regarding dynamic SQL pivot columns and could not figure out how to get the distinct values of dates.

    In your opinion, is what I am after possible in SQL?

    sorry but I am not familiar with Telerik Winform Datagrid.

    you have already described your current output...so I assume that Telerik Winform Datagrid cannot provide your expected results based on your data?

    how familiar are you with Telerik Winform Datagrid.....does it prescribe a template for input data?

    whilst your expected results (from excel) are potentially possible, it seems to me that end formatting and report layout is required to be done in Telerik Winform Datagrid.

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Hello,

    i would work in 3 steps to simulate the excel pivot.

    1. As there are 2 row headers and an extra one for the measuretype 'value', i would group the base data to a temp table, filtered on the data you need

    2. The columns have variable names (the available calenderdates), so first I would build the string with the columnnames to display

    3. with the prepared data it's easier to use the PIVOT-function to get the result :

    -- Step 1

    DECLARE @DynamicPivotQuery AS NVARCHAR(MAX)


    declare @FromDate date = '8/8/2016'

    declare @ToDate date = '8/12/2016'

    CREATE TABLE #T (EmployeeName varchar(250), PayCodeName varchar(250),

    [Values] varchar(50), CalendarDate date, Hours decimal(10,2) PRIMARY KEY(EmployeeName,PayCodeName,CalendarDate,[Values]))


    SELECT EmployeeName, PayCodeName, 'Sum of STHours', Calendardate, SUM(STHours)


    WHERE Calendardate > @FromDate AND Calendardate <= @ToDate

    GROUP BY EmployeeName, PayCodeName, Calendardate

    union all

    SELECT EmployeeName, PayCodeName, 'Sum of OTHours', Calendardate, SUM(OTHours)


    WHERE Calendardate > @FromDate AND Calendardate <= @ToDate

    GROUP BY EmployeeName, PayCodeName, Calendardate

    union all

    SELECT EmployeeName, PayCodeName, 'Sum of DTHours', Calendardate, SUM(DTHours)


    WHERE Calendardate > @FromDate AND Calendardate <= @ToDate

    GROUP BY EmployeeName, PayCodeName, Calendardate

    -- Step 2

    SELECT @ColumnName= ISNULL(@ColumnName + ',','')

    + QUOTENAME(Calendardate)

    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Calendardate FROM #T) AS Courses

    --Step 3: Dynamic pivot-query

    SET @DynamicPivotQuery =

    N'SELECT EmployeeName, PayCodeName, [Values], ' + @ColumnName + '

    FROM #T PIVOT(SUM(Hours)

    FOR Calendardate IN (' + @ColumnName + ')) AS PVTTable'

    --Execute the Dynamic Pivot Query

    EXEC sp_executesql @DynamicPivotQuery


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