Error setting up Multi Server Administration

  • Hello, I am trying to configure Multi Server Administration so I can run a SQL ob across multiple server. When I run through the Master Server Wizard and try to add target servers I get the following errors. I have added the SQL Agent account as a local administrator to the target server. Any ideas?

    Enlist TSX Progress

    - Create MSXOperator (Success)

    Checking for an existing MSXOperator.

    Updating existing MSXOperator.

    Successfully updated MSXOperator.

    - Make sure the Agent service for 'srv-95-sqlmon' is running (Error)


    Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) (mscorlib)

    - Ensure the agent startup account for 'srv-95-sqlmon' has rights to login as a target server (Error)

    Checking to see if the startup account for 'srv-95-sqlmon' already exists.


    Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) (mscorlib)

    - Enlist 'srv-95-sqlmon' into 'srv-95-sqlmon' (Error)

    Enlisting target server 'srv-95-sqlmon' with master server 'srv-95-sqlmon'.

    Using new enlistment method.


    MSX enlist failed for JobServer 'srv-95-sqlmon'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

    For help, click:



    An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


    Cannot enlist into the local machine. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 14297)

    For help, click:

  • Target instance agent service needs to have access to your master, so the error you're getting is most likely caused by the target not being able to connect to your MSX instance (master).

    Please ensure that:

    1. Target instance agent service is running as AD user (can't be Network service or Local System account)

    2. Add target instance agent service account into following role on master msdb: TargetServersRole

    You can enlist a target from master as well as from target. I find the enlistment from target more reliable.

    I'm assuming you already changed the encryption settings for the target, if not, you need to run that first:


    DECLARE @encryptvalue int

    DECLARE @keyinput varchar(200)

    SET @keyinput = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLSERVER\SQLServerAgent'

    EXECUTE xp_instance_regread @rootkey='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',@key=@keyinput,@value_name='MsxEncryptChannelOptions',@value =@encryptvalue OUTPUT

    SELECT @encryptvalue

    IF @encryptvalue = 2


    PRINT 'SQL agent encryption level set to '+CONVERT(VARCHAR(1),@encryptvalue)+'. This will be changed to 1 for multi-server administration.'

    EXECUTE xp_instance_regwrite @rootkey='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key=@keyinput, @value_name='MsxEncryptChannelOptions',@type='REG_DWORD', @value=1




    PRINT 'SQL agent encryption level already set to '+CONVERT(VARCHAR(1),@encryptvalue)+'. Ready for multi-server administration.'



    USE msdb


    sp_msx_enlist @msx_server_name = 'yourmasterinstance'

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