row visibility not working as expected

  • I have an SSRS report that uses a main data set and lookups to two other data sets and one additional column calculated on the report.

    I am trying to hide rows with row visibility where the calculated column is zero with


    but this just hides other rows seemingly randomly.

    I tried to hide rows based on a value in one of the other data sets with this but this just hides everything.

    =IIF(First(Fields!XRefInvoiceNum.Value, "E10") <> "", True, False)

    =IIF(IsNothing(First(Fields!XRefInvoiceNum.Value, "E10")), True, False)

    As a benchmark if I use an expression based on the main data set it works as expected.

    Any help appreciated as this has been driving me mad for two days now

  • You'll need to reference to column value itself, not the cell. If your column is a calculated column, you can simply do this by doing:

    =iif(Fields!CalcColumn.Value = 0, TRUE, FALSE)

    If your column has the formula in it, you'll need to put the formula in instead, for example:

    =iif(Fields!PreTaxCost.Value + Fields!VAT.Value + Fields!ShippingCost.Value = 0, TRUE, FALSE)

    You post above also implies that you're attempting to do this outside of the data group, which can't be used to hide individual rows, unless you're planning to hide a whole group.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thanks Tom but still cant get this working I'm afraid.

    With regards to your first comment I'm not totally sure what you mean when you say reference the column value itself rather than the cell

    The field I need to reference/check for the row visibility is in another dataset. Your final comment suggests that this cant be done?

    =iif(First(Fields!INVOICE.Value, "E10")<>"",True,False)

  • acallaway (7/29/2016)

    The field I need to reference/check for the row visibility is in another dataset. Your final comment suggests that this cant be done?

    =iif(First(Fields!INVOICE.Value, "E10")<>"",True,False)

    Correct. You can't reference another dataset at an individual roe level. If you're basing visibility on a value in another datasets row, you'd need to actually include that value in the dataset and then you can reference it.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thanks 🙁

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