Can we log all database user (session) specific data into table?

  • Hi All,

    I am facing performace related issues for my .NET application that call several procedures. I have around 450 procedures for my application into database. I want to log their execution time in table for reporting purpose. as we have separate service user to access database so can we log this information using user's session ? please suggest or any alternative method.

    Thanks in advance,

  • i use a variant of this to find procedures that take longer than 15 seconds, tune them one by one, and then lower my threshold until it's a diminishing return scenario(takes an hour of scripting and testing to save a few seconds);

    start with the slowest and work your way through them.

    this is getting the plans from the DMV's, for the CURRENT database, so get out of master, and in the db in question:

    DECLARE @seconds INT = 15;

    SELECT 'Purpose: Show Any queries taking longer than '

    + CONVERT(VARCHAR, @seconds) + ' seconds.' AS notes;

    DECLARE @ServerRestartedDate VARCHAR(30);

    SELECT @ServerRestartedDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),dbz.create_date,120) FROM sys.databases dbz WHERE name='tempdb';

    --DECLARE @seconds INT = 15

    SELECT @ServerRestartedDate AS ServerRestartedDate,

    st.last_execution_time AS LastExecutionTime,

    st.execution_count AS TotalExecutions,

    (st.last_elapsed_time / 1000000 ) AS LastElapsedSeconds,

    (st.max_elapsed_time / 1000000 ) AS MaxElapsedSeconds,

    DB_NAME(fn.dbid) AS DBName,

    Object_schema_name(fn.objectid, fn.dbid) AS SchemaName,

    OBJECT_NAME(fn.objectid, fn.dbid) AS ObjectName,



    FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats st

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(st.[sql_handle]) fn

    WHERE 1=1

    AND st.last_elapsed_time >= ( 1000000 * @seconds ) --15 seconds default

    AND (DB_NAME(fn.dbid) =DB_NAME() )

    AND OBJECT_NAME(fn.objectid, fn.dbid) IS NOT NULL -- object name = proc/function name

    ORDER BY st.execution_count DESC;


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