Convert IIF to CASE - Help review conversion.

  • I would like to ask for help reviewing the conversion I just did taking a piece of vb6 code and turn it to sql syntax.


    IIF([Type] = 1, 26, IIF([Type] = 2, 27, 28))


    , CASE

    WHEN [Type] = 1 THEN 26



    WHEN [Type] = 2 THEN 27

    ELSE 28



  • , CASE

    WHEN [Type] = 1 THEN 26

    WHEN [Type] = 2 THEN 27

    ELSE 28


    This should work. The IIF only allows two possible cases, but the CASE can support more cases than you are ever likely to need.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Thank you Drew.

  • itortu (6/23/2016)

    I would like to ask for help reviewing the conversion I just did taking a piece of vb6 code and turn it to sql syntax.



    IIF([Type] = 1, 26, IIF([Type] = 2, 27, 28))



    , CASE

    WHEN [Type] = 1 THEN 26



    WHEN [Type] = 2 THEN 27

    ELSE 28



    Alternatively, this version actually works too:

    iif(Type = 1, 26,iif(Type = 2,27,28))

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • That is correct too. I am aware now that SQL 2012, which is the version I am using, supports IIF expression.

  • Drew points out that the CASE statement allows for more than 2 conditions which is a good thing to have in place for future expansion.

    I also believe that SQL evaluates IIF into a CASE statement anyway so why not give the server a break and write it as a CASE statement in the first place?

    If you can't tell I'm not a fan of IIF. I like the more verbose CASE.

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