search address records using addressline1

  • I have a table student with addresses:

    studentname, address1,address2

    'john','8, Park View','newington'

    'Michael','10 Way street','stoke'

    'Steve','55, Johnston Road','London'

    Please note some address1 have a comma and others have just one space separating the number part and the first word part.

    I want a storedprocedure to select the student with their address based on inputting or passing address1

    e.g: 8, Park View

    or 8 Park View

    Thank you for your speedy response in advance.

  • I think using the T-SQL LIKE clause would help in this scenario.

    e.g. in WHERE clause of stored proc use ,

    WHERE Address = @inputaddress or Address LIKE LEFT(@inputaddress,1)+'%'

  • I think what you are looking for is to set up a full text catalog and index on the address columns. There are many articles that show how this can be done, I believe there are articles on this site that will assist here.


  • Thank you for reply. But

    if the address 1 column of the table has [8 jumbo square] but user wants [8 Park View] then Left(@address1,1) will pick both [8 Jumbo Square] and [8 Park View] but user must get only [8 Park View] or [8, Park View]. What we know is that the database may have [8 Park View] or [8, Park View] and user can input [8, Park View] and this must find either [8, Park View] or [8 Park View] as the result.

  • not sure if sql 2000, a legacy database can do this. I will have a look.

  • Use IN with a list of possible values:

    IN("8 Park Lane","8,Park Lane","8, Park Lane").

    Construct these values from your input.

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