appending XML encoding to query output

  • Hi People

    So i'm having a bit of trouble to figure out how i could make this work so that i can append the xml encoding to my query.

    this is what i hacked together so far:

    DECLARE @FileName VARCHAR(50)


    SELECT @FileName = 'C:\SampleXMLOutput.xml'

    -- in this command, we are making sure there is only one ROOT node

    SELECT @SQLCmd = + 'bcp ' +

    '"SELECT Id, Initials, firstname, lastname, email ' +

    ' FROM Employees.dbo.IDCards ' +

    ' FOR XML PATH(''Employee''), ELEMENTS, ROOT(''Employees''), TYPE "' +

    ' queryout ' +

    @FileName +

    ' -w -T -S' + @@SERVERNAME

    -- display command, for visual check

    SELECT @SQLCmd AS 'Command to execute'

    -- create the XML file

    EXECUTE master..xp_cmdshell @SQLCmd

    I've gotten this as an example, but can't make it work with the code above..

    SELECT CONVERT(XML, '<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="stylesheet.xsl"?>'),



    'Test' AS Test,

    'SomeMore' AS SomeMore

    FOR XML PATH('TestPath')


    FOR XML PATH('')

    Hope one of you Gurus has an idea how to achieve this?


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