Arithmetic overflow calculating percentages

  • Hi

    Can anyone tell me how to prevent arithmetic overflow on a percentage calc? I know this is probably really easy, but I am tearing my hair out.

    The portion of the update is:


    WHEN (o.RATINGtYPE = 4 AND Su.Cat = 'Supply') THEN

    CAST(CAST(ISNULL(SU.Num, 0) AS DECIMAL(5,2))/CAST(o.Num AS DECIMAL(5,2)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) ELSE [SatisfiedPercentage]


    the 'num' fields are integer values from a cte which counts rows. No value is over 140, and the o.num is always bigger or equal to the Su.num, so the percentage is never greater than 100%

    the results get updated to a table, and the target field is also decimal(5,2) (I get the error even when selecting anyway)

    thanks in advance


  • DECIMAL(5,2) can store 5 total digits. 140 * 100 is 140000, or 6 digits.

    Try using bigger decimals in the equation then casting final output to 5,2.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Hi, thanks for replying. I am getting a bit further. I have changed it to:

    CAST((CAST(ISNULL(SU.Num, 0) AS Decimal(10,4))/CAST(o.Num AS Decimal(10,4)) * 100 )AS Decimal(5,2) ) ELSE [SatisfiedPercentage]

    When I construct it into a select statement, I get the answers back as a nn.nn percentage, no errors. However, I still get the error when trying to update the table. Maybe I should just change the table too? Not sure why I should need to go it though.

  • I can't see why that would fail when you insert the output into a table that has decimal(5,2) for that column's data type.

    Try doing a SELECT INTO... and seeing if that works (and what the created column data type is).

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • What is the data type of "[SatisfiedPercentage]"? Because it's also part of the same CASE statement.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • The column is a decimal(5,2) -- it is actually the target column.. it updates to its own value if the case statement is not capturing a change for that scenario.

    I will try a select into..

    thank you both for responding.

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