Sql Query with mvc5

  • i have a query that gives me the attendance of students in a school the attendance will very in days and every day is a column just like that if i need to see attendance of last three days then then query will result these columns

    1-- Roll#

    2-- Name

    3-- Class


    5-- 18-may-2016

    6-- 19-may-2016

    and the second example is that i want to see attendance of last 6 days then columns will be

    1-- Roll#

    2-- Name

    3-- Class


    5-- 15-may-2016

    6-- 16-may-2016

    7-- 17-may-2016

    8-- 18-may-2016

    9-- 19-may-2016

    Now i dont have a way to get this kind of result that will very in columns almost every time.

    i want to know how i can receive query result in mvc4/mvc5 application and pass that result to a view so that i can show result to user

    kindly suggest me as early as possible

  • I read your post and I have absolutely no idea what you are looking for. Please provide some create tables, inserts for some data and expected outputs from said data. Be sure to include any exceptional cases or scenarios.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results',N'U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Results

    SELECT st.Name, st.FatherName, st.RollNo, at.AttendanceDate , atst.Status

    INTO #Results

    FROM Students st

    inner JOIN SectaionJunction sec

    ON sec.ID = st.ClassSectionJunctionID

    inner join Attendance at on at.ClassSectionJunctionId=sec.ID

    inner join [dbo].[AttendaceStatus] atst

    on at.StatusID=atst.ID and sec.id=@secId and at.AttendanceDate>=@datefrom and at.AttendanceDate<=@dateto

    GROUP BY at.AttendanceDate, st.Name, st.FatherName,st.RollNo, atst.Status

    declare @SQL nvarchar(max), @Cols nvarchar(max)

    select @Cols = stuff((select ',' + quotename(dt)

    from (select DISTINCT top (31) convert(varchar(12),AttendanceDate,107)

    as dt from #Results order by convert(varchar(12),AttendanceDate,107) ) x

    ORDER BY dt FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')

    @sql='SELECT * FROM #Results

    PIVOT (max(Status) FOR [AttendanceDate] IN (' + @Cols

    +')) pvt';

    execute (@sql


    This is the query that gets record from multiple tables and store in temporery table then convert the dates that are column values to columns itself

  • I don't have your tables, so those queries are not useful to me to create the data. Like I said, you need to provide create table statements and inserts for the data you need to have in them to produce your expected outputs.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

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