Tempdb 99% full

  • Dear Experts,

    Tempdb is 99% full. I have read in Brent Ozar's website that we shouldnt be shrinking tempdb. Please let me know how to fix this.

  • coolchaitu (5/11/2016)

    Dear Experts,

    Tempdb is 99% full. I have read in Brent Ozar's website that we shouldnt be shrinking tempdb. Please let me know how to fix this.

    Suggest you add first add a file to the tempdb so it does not run out of space. Then you should run Adam Mechanic's sp_WhoIsActive to find out what is bogging your tempdb and ones you know then you can take action. Shrinking tempdb is pointless in this situation.


  • I found a similar thread here, take a look: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic1182382-1550-1.aspx

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