Get the time difference of 80% of total record

  • Table Name : message_queue_details

    Field Name : ID, MobileNumber, SubmitDate, MsgStatus, MsgID

    Table Name : Message_Identifier

    Field Name : MsgID, TotalCount

    Requirement: I have 100 records in the table for the MsgID 111, I need to calculate time taken to process 80% of records. That will be the difference between SubmitDate for the 1st record and 80th record.

    Issue : In the below query MIN(DMQD.SubmitDate) takes the first record but MAX(DMQD.SubmitDate) takes the 100th record which is wrong.

    select TOP (select ((MD.TotalCount*80)/100) as TotalCount from [dbo].[Message_Identifier] MD where MD.MessageID = 1141)

    DATEDIFF(SECOND,MIN(DMQD.SubmitDate), MAX(DMQD.SubmitDate)) as TimeDiff

    from [dbo]. message_queue_details

    DMM DMM.MessageID = 1141

    Can anyone help me to provide a single query because this i need to put it in different query for reporting

  • it would be very helpful if you could provide some sample data and your desired output.

  • Maybe this query?

    ;with cte as (

    select TOP (select ((MD.TotalCount*80)/100) as TotalCount from [dbo].[Message_Identifier] MD where MD.MessageID = 1141)


    from [dbo]. message_queue_details

    DMM DMM.MessageID = 1141

    order by SubmitDate



    DATEDIFF(SECOND,MIN(SubmitDate), MAX(SubmitDate)) as TimeDiff

    from cte

    I think, you need to use order by (in original query too).

  • Sure, Thanks for your response

    Table : message_queue_details

    ID MobileNumberMsgStatusSubmitDate MsgID

    160503011378 919746922555 D2016-05-03 12:27:31.8701141

    160503011379 919746922556D2016-05-03 12:27:33.8731141

    160503011380 919746922556D2016-05-03 12:27:34.8731141

    160503011381 919746922556D2016-05-03 12:27:38.8771141

    160503011382 919746922556D2016-05-03 12:27:38.8771141

    160503012587 919746922556D2016-05-03 12:27:40.6201141

    160503012588 919746922556D2016-05-03 12:27:41.6231141

    160503012589 919746922556D2016-05-03 12:27:42.6231141

    160503012576 919746922556D2016-05-03 12:27:43.6231141

    Table : Message_Identifier

    MsgID TotalCount

    1141 10

    By considering the above example, for the 80% records processing time would be the difference of 1st record and 8th record thats 11 seconds

  • Thank you so much salliven

    Its worked,

  • salliven (5/4/2016)

    Maybe this query?

    ;with cte as (

    select TOP (select ((MD.TotalCount*80)/100) as TotalCount from [dbo].[Message_Identifier] MD where MD.MessageID = 1141)


    from [dbo]. message_queue_details

    DMM DMM.MessageID = 1141

    order by SubmitDate



    DATEDIFF(SECOND,MIN(SubmitDate), MAX(SubmitDate)) as TimeDiff

    from cte

    I think, you need to use order by (in original query too).

    The TOP clause takes an optional PERCENT keyword, so you could write this as

    ;with cte as (

    select TOP (80) PERCENT


    from [dbo]. message_queue_details

    DMM DMM.MessageID = 1141

    order by SubmitDate



    DATEDIFF(SECOND,MIN(SubmitDate), MAX(SubmitDate)) as TimeDiff

    from cte


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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