Only Latest Date in Report

  • All:

    We are using a report model for this and not a direct query.

    We have a report that outputs Table A. We added Table B to the report model (we added some fields to the report from Table B), which is a many-to-one relationship to Table A. Now when we run the report, we are getting multiple rows, which is to be expected because of the relationship between Table A and Table B.

    The problem is, we only want to show on the report the latest record of Table B, based on "creation date".

    I tried to set a MAX(!fields.CreationDate)

    I found information such as:

    But when I do something like this, I get a "cannot use aggregate function......" error.

    Would appreciate any help on how we can limit the report to only displaying the latest date record from Table B.

  • Should typically work if its a date datatype.

  • Unfortunately, it is not. I am getting an aggregate error trying to add a filter or it simply doesn't work.

    If this was a SQL Statement for TableB, it would be along these lines to display only the most recent record:


    [ID], [PID], [InputDate], [Changed_Date]



    [ID], [PID], [InputDate], [Changed_Date],

    dense_rank() over (partition by PID order by Changed_Date desc) as MyRank

    from TableB

    ) as RankSelect

    WHERE MyRank = 1


    This gives me the most recent record for TableB. I know technically I could add a view or something to the report model, but I do not want to do this, as another report ran might want a historical of all records in TableB. So I am hoping to somehow incorporate the above results into the report without touching the report model.

  • I couldn't find a solution to the report for filtering the data, so I removed "TableB" and created this as a view that only returns the most recent record. It fixes the issue for the present, but have a feeling in the future they will want a report listing all possible records from TableB, but will worry about that then 😀

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