Add working days based on another field value - Help Needed

  • Example

    IF CharField = 'A' add 14 working days to DateField ELSE

    IF CharField = 'B' add 15 working days to DateField ELSE

    IF CharField = 'C' add 19 working days to DateField ELSE

    IF CharField = 'D' add 17 working days to DateField ELSE

    END AS 'NewDateField

    I have done this in the past but can't seem to get SQL to like me today, GRRRR.

    Help Please

  • maybe....

    SELECT CharField,



    WHEN CharField = 'A' then dateadd(day,14, datefield)

    WHEN CharField = 'B' ......... else NULL end as yournewdate

    FROM mytable

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Thanks for the reply, I need it to add working days, skipping weekends

  • K430 (4/7/2016)

    Thanks for the reply, I need it to add working days, skipping weekends

    so...other than weekends, what other days do you wish to skip...for example public holidays?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • try a search on this site ....plenty of q/a's

    GOOGLE> add working days">site: add working days

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Already Googled

  • I've created a table which lists dates whether they are a week day or bank holiday. I then create my own version of juilan dates which skips weekends and bankholidays so given a date I can refer to the working days add number of days and determine new date.

  • -- example code for calculating working days

    declare @StartDate date = '2000-01-01';

    set DATEFIRST 1;


    bh as


    SELECT '2016-01-01' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '25-03-2016' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '28-03-2016' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '02-05-2016' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '30-05-2016' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '29-05-2016' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '28-08-2016' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '25-12-2016' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '26-12-2016' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '02-01-2017' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '14-04-2017' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '17-04-2017' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '01-05-2017' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '29-05-2017' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '28-08-2017' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '25-12-2017' BankHoliday UNION ALL

    SELECT '26-12-2017' BankHoliday


    Numbers AS


    SELECT n = 1


    SELECT n + 1

    FROM Numbers

    WHERE n+1 <= 10000


    DateRange as



    DATEADD(dd,n,@StartDate) ActualDate,

    datepart(dw,DATEADD(d,n,@StartDate)) dow,


    FROM Numbers

    left join bh

    on bh.BankHoliday =DATEADD(dd,n,@StartDate)


    WorkingDays as




    row_number() over(order by ActualDate) WorkingDays

    from DateRange

    where dow not in (6,7) and BankHoliday is null







    from DateRange a

    left join WorkingDays wd

    on a.ActualDate=wd.ActualDate


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