I want to view a users execute permissions on stored procedures

  • I'm trying get a specific user execute permissions on all the stored procedures he or she has access to. When I run this script the result is empty, please help.

    Use [DBname]


    SELECT perms.*,


    FROM sys.database_permissions perms

    JOIN sys.database_principals users ON perms.grantee_principal_id = users.principal_id

    WHERE perms.major_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StoredProcedureName]')

    AND user = 'Matt Ryan';

  • That's only going to show the permissions he or she has on [dbo].[StoredProcedureName]. Try removing the first line of your WHERE clause and see what you get then.

    Is this a Windows or a SQL user? Do you really have entities with spaces in their names?


  • You can open the properties dialog in Enterprise Manager and click "Permissions..."

  • No, its not a Windows user. I removed the first line in the where clause but nothing was returned

  • I want to be able to gather the information on a user to eventually write a stored procedure. So, I need to know how to get the information using T-SQL.

  • Actually, I've just looked at your query again, and it can't be the one you ran. There's no such column as "user" in either of the catalog views that you use, so you'd get an error. Please will you post the exact query that you used?


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