Reading a table from a text file

  • Hello,

    There got to be a easier way.

    I'm writing a script that reads the Summary.txt file when we patch SQL.

    If the server has multiple instances, I want to read those instances from the Summary.txt file

    (yes... there are other better ways, but I want to know what instances were patched... so stay with me.

    This is the snippet of the code that I run

    $Location = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\"

    $SummaryFile=Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $Location -Filter Summary.txt | select-String -Pattern "patch" | group path

    $SummaryFile = Get-Content $SummaryFile.Name

    $a = $SummaryFile | Select-String -pattern "Updated product edition:"

    $b = $SummaryFile | Select-String -Pattern "User Input Settings:"

    $line = (($SummaryFile)[($a.LineNumber)..($b.LineNumber-3)])

    Which yields something like this:

    Instance Edition



    Anyway I can use some CSV thing where I can simply say "select instance" ?

    I mean... I am able to do it, but it's god ugly.

    My code:

    $Location = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\"

    $SummaryFile=Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $Location -Filter Summary.txt | select-String -Pattern "patch" | group path

    $SummaryFile = Get-Content $SummaryFile.Name

    $a = $SummaryFile | Select-String -pattern "Updated product edition:"

    $b = $SummaryFile | Select-String -Pattern "User Input Settings:"

    $line = (($SummaryFile)[($a.LineNumber+1)..($b.LineNumber-3)])

    $data = $line.split(" ",[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)

    # $Line gets the data between lines $a.LineNumber+1) and ($b.LineNumber-3

    # $Line retrieves the instances and its licenses, somthing like this:




    $Results = @{}


    For ($i=0;$i -lt ($b.LineNumber-3 - $a.LineNumber+1);$i=$i+2)


    $Results += @{"Instance $j"= $data[$i] }




    Am I missing something?

    Help! There has to be an easier way

    Thank you


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