deleting email from mailbox and saving then to sql server

  • Hi

    I am working on script to save emails to database and delete them

    using example

    My delete code

    $MailBox = ""

    $Subfolder = "DBA_ALERTS"

    # Outlook Connection

    $Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application

    # Outlook folder to clean

    $EmailsInFolder = $Outlook.Session.Folders.Item($MailBox).Folders.Item($Subfolder).Items

    $OlderThenDays = 1

    $Today = get-date

    $counter = 0


    foreach ($email in $EmailsInFolder)


    $difference = New-TimeSpan -Start $email.SentOn -End $Today

    if ($difference.Days -ge $OlderThenDays)






    $counter ++



    Write-Host $counter

    code is working but does not delete all selected email

    folder contain 500+ email meeting condition but foreach loop does not delete all selected emails at once

    I have to run code several times and each time it delete different amount of emails in decreasing order





    Do I have to call some other metod or set specific property in object in order to delete all selected emails at once ?

  • found it,

    look like you have to line them up before deleting

    and foreach loop can't be used if you modify collection

    what worked for me

    $OlderThenDays = 1

    $Today = get-date


    For($i; $i -ge 0; $i--)


    $difference = New-TimeSpan -Start $($EmailsInFolder)[$i].SentOn -End $Today

    if ($difference.Days -ge $OlderThenDays)







  • ebooklub (3/1/2016)

    ...foreach loop can't be used if you modify collection...

    Yep. Standard .NET limitation.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

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