Issue with expression error

  • Hi All,

    So I have the following expression and it's throwing up the "Overload Resolution Failed no accessible iif "error.

    So what I need to to is add all the app so far from this year plus what the apps count was for last year based on a calculated field (this is done in the query).

    I have this:

    =iif((Fields!TIER_NAME.Value = "Tier 1") ,sum(Fields!Applcations_Made.Value),0) + iif((fields!TIER_NAME.Value, "APPS_LAST_YEAR" = "Tier 1"), Sum(Fields!Applcations_Made.Value, "APPS_LAST_YEAR"),0)

    I am really trying to push outside my learning so far with this, what am I missing? My name is Karen and I will be going on a VB course near you soon hehe.

    Thanks for your help it is appreciated, I have searched and tried to adjust (small tweaks to brackets if nothing else, but cannot for the life of me work this one out.

  • Your approach isn't going to work here, SSRS wont apply an IIF for each row in the range.

    =iif((Fields!TIER_NAME.Value = "Tier 1") ,sum(Fields!Applcations_Made.Value),0) will not work.

    What you need is to use a aggregate that will apply your comparison over each row in the range. In SSRS an IIF nested in a Sum will evaluate for each row within that aggregations scope.

    =sum(iif(Fields!TIER_NAME.Value = "Tier 1",Fields!Applcations_Made.Value,0)).

    In Excel terms it would be equivalent to: =SUMIF(A:A,"Tier 1",B:B)

    For your second part,am I right that APPS_LAST_YEAR is a dataset? If so you can do the a similar trick, but you specify the scope for the Sum (as you were doing).

    When you specify a scope, it implies a range (e.g. all rows in the dataset) and therefore has to be aggregated in some way.

    So the second part is like passing a range to an IF, e.g.

    =IF(A:A = "Tier 1",SUM(B:B),0) which wont work, it is here in SSRS you are getting the error.

    The same SUMIF equivalent will apply here as well.

    =sum(iif(Fields!TIER_NAME.Value = "Tier 1",Fields!Applcations_Made.Value,0),"APPS_LAST_YEAR")

    Or if there is only one row for Tier 1 apps in the dataset try using the Lookup function to get the value.

  • Get me? Thank you so much for this. That was a wonderful explanation, I understood every word of that.

    I was trying to relate it to Excel (am still learning that too, but am getting there). Now got what I need working. Really appreciate it.

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